Chapter 172: A talk with Benjen Stark

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's first chapter.

Thanks for your support.

You can read up to 25 advanced chapters on my pàtreon.




Anyway, After Edward finished what he came to the Wall for, he traveled with Benjen Stark. During their way back, Benjen had a conversation with Edward.

"Since you know, Edward, why did not you tell the others?" Said Benjen as he saw with his own eyes the plenty of sacrifices that Edward made. He was talking about the danger behind the Wall. He did not know why Edward did not tell his brother or the other southern lords.

"Your brother won't believe me if he does not see it with his own eyes since no one would believe that. I am not ready to sacrifice more men to bring one of those monsters to this realm. I already gave Ned a hint, but he did not listen. The other southern lords are busy with their schemes and won't care about that unless The North fell first." Said Edward as he shook his head while looking at Benjen in the eyes.

"If we tried more, We might succeed in doing that. Don't you agree?" Said Benjen as he thought it was unfair, especially since Edward was the one who was doing all the work while those southern lords stayed in their castle eating and drinking without any care about the world.

"It is better without them, actually. Those fellows might use this chance in their favor and smuggle some wights to the realms to attack their enemies. I don't have time to care about some children playing hide and seek." Said Edward with a smile as he looked at the sky. He did not want those pity lords to busy themselves with what was happening in the North since he wanted them to kill each other.

Edward was not afraid of the Night King at the moment since he would have a plan in two years or three. The rituals that Edward performed awakened the hot blood from his Targaryen's side and reinforced it. His blood was so pure as the first Valyrians who became dragonlords long ago.

Although it would take him some time for the blood to assimilate completely in his body, he would have the ability to hatch a dragon's egg at that time. Not only did Edward's blood change like that, but his children's blood changed as well. Edward was preparing for the time when he would have the ability to ride a dragon. He had managed to buy nine dragon eggs from the shadowlands beyond Asshai with his good relationship with the Shadowbinders.

Benjen, who was beside Edward at the moment, looked at him and could not help but praise Edward more in his mind. At first, he thought Edward was like those southern lords who did not care about anything but their benefits, especially since Edward was the most winner of the Rebellion.

But after getting to know him more, Benjen was sure that the most suitable man for his sister was none other than Edward. Not only was Edward loved by his men and people, but he had foresight well enough to realize the real danger in front of everyone while the rest of the lords were pity in their actions.

"We will still need their help. We can't fight the wights alone, Edward." Said Benjen as he did not know about the Night King as well. Edward kept this information for himself since no one would believe him if he said there was a Night King controlling everything from the shadows. The free folks did not know much about this information since the Night King did not appear by himself till this point. They knew about the White Walkers, though.

"If I could not manage to find a way to help us here, do you think those idiots that thought about all these things as myths would help? They are just small sheep that waited to be slaughtered." Said Edward with a knowing smile. He was sure that most lords would try to escape from Westeros if this news came to light. Cersei, herself, would have done such a thing if Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen failed to stop that army.

Benjen started to understand Edward's meaning after hearing those words and knew for sure that the ones, who would suffer if they allowed those wights to attack the realm, were just the Smallfolks, who did not know anything.

"Huh... Do what you want." Said Benjen since he was not a great thinker like Edward. He knew that Edward had put a plan to defeat those things, and he did not want to fuck everything up with his idiocy. He decided to do what Edward asked him to do since he knew that was the right thing to do at the moment.

"Let's hurry up. I don't want to miss meeting my fool brother and mess up with him and his Lannister family. It had been a long time since I punched him in the face and injured him. I will be happy to do that again." Said Edward as he was fantasizing about how he was going to miss Robert's life up. He refused to meet Robert all those years since he already used him well until that point. Robert would die this year anyway, and it would be Edward's time to torture Joffery after that. The moment that Edward had been waiting for had finally come.

Edward wanted to torture three people at the moment, but after they reached their final momentum before taking them down. Yeah, that was what Edward wanted. Those three were Joffery Baratheon, Ramsy Bolton, and Euron Greyjoy. Edward had planned suitable deaths for every one of them, and he would enjoy seeing that.

After hearing Edward's words, Benjen could not help but smile and laugh out loud. It was not only Ned who hated Robert for their sister's death. Benjen, who was the closest to Lyanna and stayed the most with her in Winterfell, was heartbroken after hearing the news about her death. He resented Robert for years after that and wanted to go to King's Landing and challenge him to a fight where he could avenge his sister.

But he did not as he respected his sister's wishes and his big brother. That was why Benjen decided to join the Night's Watch, where he could defend the realm and clear his head. But after hearing Edward's words, those memories came back to him. He knew that only Edward could attack Robert at the moment. If anyone tried to do that, they would find their body in the wild after that day. That was if Robert did not decide to flatten their heads with his hammer first.