Chapter 182: The situation in Pentos

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

Thanks for your support.

You can read up to 25 advanced chapters on my pàtreon.




Edward stood near the ship's stern and took a final look at The North since he would not visit it for some time. The next time he would come back to The North would be the time for the great and final battle that The North would witness. He turned to look at his children before turning to Jon and Arya and spoke.

"Say your farewell. Things would not be the same when you two come back here again." Said Edward with a calm expression while looking at the horizon. The two young children would not understand what he meant by saying those words neither would his children. No one could possibly guess that Edward was referring to a great Calamity that would threaten everyone's existence. But Edward had been preparing since forever for this battle, and he was sure that he could win since he invented enough weapons that would use wildfire and dragon glass to kill those bastards. Not to mention that Edward had taken the free folks away and prevented the Night King from adding them to his armies.

Anyway, the two decided to listen to Edward's words and stayed a little near the stern to pay their farewell to their home. Although they did not understand what Edward had said earlier, they could get that their lives would change from this moment since Ned Stark decided to go south towards King's Landing. They remembered what happened to their grandfather and uncle when they rode south.

As for Edward, he returned to The Captain's Cabin since he received a word from Alessana Stone from Pentos a moments ago. He wanted to read it carefully and decide his next course of action since it must be related to the young Daenerys and her idiotic brother. At first, Edward intended to manipulate the young girl and convince her that he was on her side by bending the knee. He would then use her towards the end before killing her after achieving his goals, but he changed his mind.

Edward decided to recruit the young Daenerys, who was still young and naive at this moment, to his side. She would be a great addition to the group, especially towards his son, Raymont. Although Edward did not show favoritism on the surface and treated every one of his children equally, he had to admit that he liked Raymont the most, deep down in his heart since he was his first child. He decided to let Raymont live the moment and enjoy having two Targaryen beauties towards the end.

After he opened the message and saw what it said inside, he was not surprised since he already knew what would happen from the show and books. It seemed that idiot Viserys intended to make his sister, Dany, marry the Dothraki Khal named Drogo in order to get the man's army of savages. Alesanna's letter specified that Khal Drogo would come to Pentos to see Daenerys after four days. Edward had to admit that Viserys really had no brains, or else how could he get convinced that he could take back the kingdoms with the help of Dothraki, who Edward defeated again and again.

After thinking for some time about this issue for a good solution for this matter, Edward decided to write his course of instructions to Alessana in order to let her start with plan B since plan A was not suitable anymore to his preference. Edward at once reviewed the nearest ship of his ships which would go to Pentos to deliver the message for his men on it. Yeah, it was using this way that Edward could control all these lands in his vast empire.

Edward did not stop making ships even for a second in the past fifteen years. Not only that, but he managed to modify the ships and make them better with the help of the crafters and blacksmiths. They even managed to use the wildfire to generate some kind of energy, which helped them produce a prototype for a steam engine, but this time it used the heat from the wildfire to run instead of coal.

At the moment, the number of Edward ships had exceeded two thousand and five hundred one long ago, and he should have near three thousand ships. Edward himself lost count since he turned bored when it came to this matter. Although not all those ships were suitable for battles, Edward had more than one thousand and eight hundred ones at the end good for naval warfare. The other one thousand ships were trading ships that travel everywhere in the known world.

Edward used these large fleets to travel his lands from Lorath in the north to Volantis in the south. He did not use them only for trading, but he sent some of his men on every ship to receive secret messages and deliver others to those cities. That was why he was able to communicate with those far away cities with ease.

And with the new discoveries about how to use the wildfire, It only took a day or two at max before the new message could reach its destination since ravens could not go all this way in such a small amount of time. Edward managed to rule those cities with iron fists since he would know if there was any problem or corruption the next day it happened.

After sending the letter to the next ship that would head to Pentos, Edward got out of The Captain's Cabin and allowed the real Captain to return there. He then found his children and decided to train them all with Jon and Arya while traveling on the ship's board.

Three days later...

In Pentos, Magister Illyrio Mopatis was standing with the Targaryen siblings on some stairs, waiting for Khal Drogo's arrival. The two men did not care about the young Daenerys feelings from the start and were only planning to sell her to the Dothraki horde in order to gain an army that would enable them to take the seven kingdoms back.

Alesanna Stone was standing behind Daenerys Targaryen while looking at the young girl with some worry in her eyes. She had just received her king's message the day before and knew that the king had decided to save the young Daenerys and ordered her to use their second plan.

Although Alesanna was so loyal to her king and would kill the young Daenerys if the king asked her to do that, she still sighed in relief after knowing that her king decided to take Daenerys to his side. She had stayed by the young girl's side since she was eight, so she grew a little close to her.