Chapter 189: Robert's death

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

Thanks for your support.

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In the chamber,

"Robert, I have to tell you something important." Said Ned as he came close to Robert and took the cup away from him since he needed Robert to be sober at least.

"What is it, Ned?" Said Robert with some annoyance in his voice since he did not like it when Ned took the cup from him.

"Cersei had been cheating on you with her brother." Said Ned with a hesitant voice since he did not know how Robert would react after hearing that. Robert's face turned red from anger after hearing what Ned said.

"What are you saying, Ned?" Said Robert with red eyes as he looked at Ned as if he was about to attack him. It seemed that the poison Cersei prepared had finally taken effect, and Robert started losing his mind.

"Jon Arryn was investigating this as well, and he got killed by them after finding out the truth. It seems that the three children are not yours but Jaimie's. She had been doing that act since both of you married." Said Ned with some worry in his voice. He did not suspect anything because he would turn angry if he heard such a piece of news.

Robert's face turned red entirely this time after hearing that, and his eyes turned white as well. Ned, who saw this scene, finally realized that something was wrong with Robert and tried to leave the chamber and ask the grand maester for help as he thought that his friend got poisoned. Not only was the door closed from outside, but Robert started attacking him as well the next second.

"Wake up, Robert." Said Ned as he was receiving a punch after another from Robert. Ned had already lost an arm and could not fight someone with the Baratheon's strength. He tried to defend himself, but he could not since Robert was attacking him like an animal.

Ned tried to use all his strength to push Robert a little far from him since he did not want to die like that. He used his shoulder to force Robert back as hard as he could and ran towards the door. Unfortunately, after Robert hit the wall, a hanging sword fell from above, making his way towards Robert's chest, killing him in his place, while Ned, who saw this scene, could not help but stand there in his shock. He could not believe what just happened.

Ned could not believe what he just did to Robert at this moment. He stood there like an idiot since he could not believe that he killed his childhood friend with his own hands just like that. Although he hated Robert for many things that Robert did in the past and caused his sister's death, he never thought he would kill Robert one day with his own hands.

Ned was an honorable man and would never break the oath he made to Robert in the past when he bent the knee in front of him. Plus, even during the time when Robert did all the horrible things that made Ned hate him, Ned never thought for a second that he would end up killing Robert.

Ned would defend against anyone who tried to kill him instead since that was his oath to the man. If not for their childhood relationship, then he would do that for Jon Arryn's sake, who took care of the three of them and taught them all they knew.

As Ned did not believe that just happened, he came close to Robert's body to check on him. He might have thought that it was just an illusion that his eyes made to trick him. But when he tried to move Robert's body and did not get any response, he was sure that Robert had died this time and for good. It might be because of Cersei's poison, but Robert did not even make a sound or a move after the sword made his way through his chest and just stayed like that.

Ned could not think of what he could do next since his honor prevented him from leaving the city like that without finding the person responsible for Robert's behavior. But if anyone found out what happened in this place, not only him but his daughter, Sansa, would be in danger. He thought that no one had figured what happened since he could not open the door earlier. He did not realize that everything that happened that day was Cersei Lannister's doing. At a time like this, the human's mind starts to give us false hopes and convince us that what was happening around us was just normal.

Ned could only think of getting away from King's Landing with his daughter. He did not know that every move he made was already in Cersei's calculation since she would never let him leave this place like that. Ned used his only hand to use an ax to break through the door.

Ned could not do that earlier because Robert attacked him suddenly from behind and give him no time to break the door. Plus, he was surprised that the door got locked from outside in the first place.

Ned felt that something was happening, but he did not realize what it was. Or we could say that he did not have the time to figure that out.

Anyway, after he got out from Robert's chamber, he could not see any of Robert's Kingsguard or anyone else. He was sure that something wrong was going on around here, but he did not have the time to think it through since he had to get his daughter out of King's Landing before anyone could find out what happened to Robert. After that, he would have the ability to investigate what happened that day thoroughly and punish those who were responsible for today's accident.

As Ned hurried to his daughter's chamber, he did not realize that some people were tracing him without him realizing. Ned did not know that most of the soldiers he took with him from the North had already gotten killed by Cersei's men. No one was left alive to tell the tale on another day. In fact, all King's Landing was under the Lannister's men and the golden cloak's control.

When Ned arrived at his daughter's chamber, he did not wait and entered without knocking, taking Sansa, who was daydreaming on her bed, by surprise since she did not expect her father to enter her room like that.

"Father!!!" Shouted Sansa as she looked at her father with resentment in her eyes. She was trying to act like a lady as her mother taught her. Her father's acting like that bothered her and might cause her to lose her chance of marrying the prince.