Chapter 200: Binding with two dragons and Raymont's plans

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

Thanks for your support.

You can read up to 25 advanced chapters on my pàtreon.




Edward smiled because he knew that if something happened to him, he would know that his children could stand their ground against the world if they needed to do that. After taking the final look and sighing in relief, Edward entered the fire with his own legs after taking a very long breath.

When Edward put his hands in the fire the last time, he did not feel the heat or got burnt by it, but this time was different. It seemed that the existence of the dragon eggs that would hatch a fire breathing dragons and the sacrifice needed for that multiplied the fire and heat by thousands of times. Edward could swear that he saw the rocks melting on the ground, and he walked on them like that.

Although the fire was much more frightening than the other fires he had ever seen, Edward sighed in relief after seeing that his skin was still fine after getting exposed to a rock-melting fire. The problem he saw was the heat in this place that reached a high degree. Although the blood and water in his body got protected by his skin or the rituals, once they left his body, they would evaporate instantly.

Not only that, but any effort in this place made him sweat like hell, and his body might get dried up before he could even hatch the dragons if the situation continued on like that. Edward could not see his way in this place because of the fire and smoke that filled the air. Since he had to exert as little effort as possible to guarantee that he would live, Edward closed his eyes and depended on his memory to make his way to the eggs.

And his memories did not betray him at this moment, and he managed to reach the two eggs' location with ease. The smoke and fire did not make him see clearly anything, but he could still hear the wail of the sacrifices even at the center of this altar, but he did not care about those people. To complete the binding, Edward must offer his blood to the two eggs.

But when Edward cut himself to do the job, he did not know that his blood would evaporate like his sweat in this climate. Edward had to cut himself deep enough to solve this problem, and the fire helped him close his wound. Seeing that his blood got absorbed by the eggs, Edward had to admit that he got surprised to see that the two eggs did that.

Edward did not expect that because he read about this little thing in a book. He remembered that everyone could only bind with one dragon, so how could he do that?

Edward's head was spinning since he was brain-storming himself to find a solution to this situation. What Edward read was a book that he found in the citadel. The book got translated from the old Valyria Freehold's language, and he could only make an assumption about this situation.

Edward could only guess at this point, and his guess was that Valyria's dragonlords did not know that this could happen, or they would have tried doing that. At that time, the dragons were a lot, but the number of riders was not enough. Not to mention that the strength of a house got determined by the number of dragons and riders they had.

Edward could only think of only one thing that was much older than Valyria Freehold, and that was the blood rituals he performed. Those rituals were ancient enough that Edward traced them to ten or twenty thousand or something years to the empire of dawn that perished long ago. Although what he performed was a simplified version of the original one, they should carry many effects. So Edward could only think that this was the doing of those rituals.

To decrease the amount of water that he would lose, Edward decided to spend the rest of the time required for the egg hatching sitting beside them. He would wait with his eyes closed like this.

Edward just hoped that everything would move smoothly without any problem. He estimated that he could wait like that without food or water for four days at most, so he hoped that the eggs would hatch before that.

As for the group outside, they were dying from worry. They did not know how Edward was doing there. But they held some hope since they did not hear his screams after he got inside that inferno. Although they had thought of getting close to the fire and trying to check if it would hurt them, they did not try that, though. It was an instinctive fear of fire that reached that high in the sky.

The morning three days later,

The group did not hear a word from Edward since he entered. And every day, they would wait for him like that in front of the fire. They did not know if he was alive, and since they were afraid to get close to the fire, they could only wait for it to die out before exploring its ruins.

The problem was that the fire did not even stop for a second and continued to increase in scale in the past two days, which disappointed the group and made them think that they were useless and they wasted their father's teachings.

As for Raymont, he acted as the Stormking in the past two days. He was the one that could order everyone in that place. When he saw that his father might have died in there, he ordered the soldiers to be ready to move out.

Although he was worried about Edward, Raymont knew if something happened to his father, their position would be in danger, and they would have to enter an endless fight to stabilize the kingdom. Their father was the one that united all this empire that covered all these vast lands. Plus, to do all this, their father killed countless people and had many enemies here and there that might want revenge. Raymont knew that once his father passed away, rebellions would arise everywhere, and he would have to take action himself. His uncle, Stannis, who was observing him all along, nodded his head when he saw that Raymont did not waste any time.

But Raymont, who thought about all those problems and knew what might happen if his father died, had taken some measures long ago without Edward's knowledge. Raymont had men of his own in every little house or city under their control that would take action the moment Raymont told them to do that.