Chapter 206: Sentys

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

Thanks for your support.

You can read up to 25 advanced chapters on my pàtreon.




Anyway, after taking some rest, Edward returned to his peek after experiencing the hell earlier. Not only him that wake up from his sleep, but his daughter, Jasmine, also did, and she did that before him as well. The young brat was sitting next to him and playing with his hair, waiting for him to wake up in order to talk to him.

When Edward saw there was nothing wrong with her after all this time, he sighed in relief. This girl would be the death of him one day if he did not educate her well, so Edward did not console her at all and started lecturing and scolding her at once.

Edward's biggest fear was losing one of his children. He could not tolerate that, but since he trained the rest quite well and asked capable people to add to their protection, he was not as worried about them as he was towards Jasmine. That was why he had to act strictly in front of Jasmine for the first time in his life.

After a month had passed since Edward got his dragons, the second sacrifice came to light. This time, Raymont was the one going in that hell to hatch his own egg.

Edward gave him his own experience about the matter. He told him how Raymont should act and how to breathe in that kind of situation to save his energy. In the end, Edward decided to let him stay next to the dragon egg before lighting up the altar to make things easier for him.

The egg that Raymont chose was a blood-red egg. From the egg's color alone, Edward was sure that the dragon that would come out of it was a blood-red-scaled dragon.

This time around, everything went smoothly with the sacrifice since everyone did not look surprised this time after Raymont entered the fire. Edward and Jasmine had already done that one, so why should everyone be surprised after seeing another family member do that again?

Plus, after Edward's preparation, Raymont was ready for what would come and had it easy dealing with everything. This matter was a play in the park for the young Raymont, who was attracted to the dragon egg that he carried it himself all the time.

After two days, this time, the fire started to die down, and everyone could see Raymont, who came out of the fire with a blood-red baby dragon with red eyes in his hands.

Raymont's expression explained everything, though. The young man was very ecstatic to carry his dragon like that. Edward had never seen him like that except once in his life, when the brat married his love, Rhaenys.

Raymont did not get the chance to see his child, Edward, who was in Storm's Eye all this time since he was in Essos for more than one year already. So he considered the dragon as his child as well. No one knew what Rhaenys, whom Raymont appreciated much, would feel if she knew what Raymont was thinking.

When Raymont was out, he gave his siblings The Look as if he was teasing them that he had his dragon, and they still did not get the chance to have one. Sometimes, Raymont would act like a child, and he would show off in front of the others. He was carrying the little guy in his hand and showing it to the others and Daenerys when Edward came close to him.

"Stop acting like a kid, Raymont, and choose a name for him." Said Edward as he looked at the little boy in Raymont's hands to examine him to see if there was any difference between his dragons and Raymont's.

Edward did not expect to find any since he and his son went through the same thing, but he still got surprised when he saw that Raymont's dragon was much smaller than his.

Although it was bigger than Drogo in the other timeline, it was smaller compared to his dragons. This time though, he did not know the reason for that. He could not say the reason was the rituals this time.

The rituals had already done their job and purified anyone who had Edward's blood in the world, meaning that Raymont got this merit as well.

"I plan to call him Sentys. This name would represent his mood and look." Said Raymont with a smile as he looked at the thing in his hands. He had chosen this name based on the words and the mood of the little thing in his hand. The little guy was a little moody and would kill anyone that annoyed him rather than entertain them.

Edward, who heart his son's words, almost facepalmed since he did not expect his son to go this far at naming his dragon. Why the hell would Raymont choose that name that represented the word 'Killer.' in high Valyrian.

As for Raymont's siblings, they thought the opposite. Raymont's naming sense was close to their liking and was much better than Edward's since Sentys was a better name for a dragon.

"Let's discuss another matter in my tent." Said Edward, signaling Flip to pass a cloth to his son since he had had enough with the young man's naked body. It is time to end their war in Essos and return to their homes.

Raymont nodded after hearing his father's words, and everyone followed him back to his tent to listen to what he was going to say.

"Raymont, in two days, you would lead half the army and take the slaver's bay cities and new Ghis. I want this thing to be done in the next eight months so that we can return to Westeros. Do you understand?" Said Edward as he looked at his son, who still did not believe his ears.

Although Edward let him lead an army before, he would still send one of his commanders to take control if anything went wrong and guarantee their victory.

This time was the first time that Raymont would lead more than fifty thousand men on his own without someone supervising him. That was why he looked at his father like that.

His father was always paranoid and did not want to see defeat or any loss to his men. That was why he would always have a second plan in case anything went south.

But since Raymont would become the king soon since Edward decided to explore the old Valyria after finishing everything he had with the Night King, Edward had to groom his successor well. Edward did not know if he would have the chance to return back after going on his journey since no one had ever managed to come back from that place.