Chapter 208: Kicking Ned Stark down

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

Thanks for your support.

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Ned Stark, who lost his arm way earlier, and was in a bad situation already, did not expect that traitor to hit him like this. He started blaming himself for coming to this city and not listening to Edward's words in Winterfell. Edward had warned him more than once, but Ned was the one that still came with his own legs. At least, he sent Arya with Edward to the Storm Kingdom, or he would have to worry about two daughters instead of one.

"Your grudge is against me. My daughter has nothing to do with it. Get her out of King's Landing at once, and you can do anything you want to me." Said Ned Stark as he looked at Petyr Baelish with a determined look on his face. He had already gone through a lot in this life, and it was the time for him to rest.

After hearing those words, Petyr Baelish thought of a cruel way to make Ned Stark suffer more since he wanted to see the look on his face next. Petyr could not help but smile as he looked at the crippled man in front of him.

"Of course, I am going to save her. I could not let my future wife die, could I? I could not have her mother for myself, but I could have her all for myself without a Stark idiot coming in between." Said Petyr with a cruel smile as he looked at Ned Stark, whose expression changed for the worst after hearing those words.

Yeah, that was the expression that Petyr wanted to see on Ned Stark's face. He finally had his chance to break the honorable Ned Stark. If he could do the same to the dead Brandon Stark, Petyr would know that he achieved everything he wanted.

As for Ned Stark, you could not imagine the amount of anger and hate that filled his heart at the moment. At the start, Ned Stark did not think much about Petyr's betrayal since something like that always happened in King's Landing. But he did not expect the man's hate and cruelty to reach this degree. After hearing that this man might put a hand on his daughter and touch her like that while imagining that Sansa was her mother, Ned Stark could not sit still anymore. His honor could not take it lying down anymore. What would he become if he allowed Petyr to do as he wished?

"How dare you? I will take your head with my sword if you dare to even think about it." Said Ned Stark as he stood up and tried to attack Petyr, but the chains stopped him before coming close to the man, and Petyr's laugh entered his ears, making him angrier.

Petyr was not an idiot. He knew well enough that he was not a fighter and would never stand a chance against Ned Stark, even if the man got injured. Ned Stark was one of the best fighters in the realm, and after the deaths of Robert Baratheon, Arthur Dayne, the mountain, and all those strong ones, Ned Stark could be considered the best after Barristan and the hound.

"And what can you do? You are going to die anyway." Said Petyr, kicking Ned Stark one more time before leaving while a smile did not leave his face when he thought about what he did to Ned Stark.

Petyr thought about how he would have the chance to fuck Sansa Stark and put his small dick in her pussy while remembering how unwilling her father was before his death. He suddenly started getting excited after thinking about that, and his dick could not help but stand tall at that moment.

Ned Stark, who got kicked again by Petyr Baelish, could not help but put his hands on his head, blaming himself for everything that happened since he knew that he could not blame only his wife for this. He knew that if he fucking stayed in his own castle, nothing would have happened. When he thought about Edward's location right now, despair filled his heart.

Edward warned him before going to Essos. He told Ned that he would have a long war with the Dothraki, and he might not have the chance to help him if anything happened. Edward could only warn him to be careful, or his death would come.

At the moment, Ned Stark could only think of one thing to help him in this situation. He already got Cersei's offer that she sent him earlier with one of her spies. She wanted him to admit that Joffrey was the true king in Westeros and would convince Joffrey to send him to the Wall.

By doing that, he would save himself and his daughter while the only one that got hurt in this situation would be Edward, who would lose his claim to the throne.

At first, Ned Stark did not want to sully his honor and admit something like that. He planned to refuse her offer since he would never say those words when the true king of the realm should be Edward. But after hearing Petyr Baelish's words, Ned Stark's feelings changed. He remembered Edward's words about true honor and how everything was acceptable to save one's family.

Ned knew that Edward would forgive him for doing something like that. But even if Edward cut his ties with him, Ned was ready and prepared for something like that in order to save his daughter's honor and prevent her from getting close to that man.

Edward knew that everyone was sure that he would refuse Cersei's offer, and he would take them by surprise if he took this chance. At least, he would ruin Baelish's plan for his daughter by doing that.

In the following few days, Cersei's messenger came to find Ned Stark again to get his answer and try persuading him to do what they wanted. But this time was much more different than the other times. The messenger did not get to say anything or even open his mouth before Ned Stark started speaking himself and admitting his crime.

Ned Stark accepted their proposal like that without hesitation, making the spy himself doubt his hearing. No one in the whole realm would think that Ned Stark would do something like that and sully his honor. Even the spy had to double-check his words before going out to tell Cersei the great news.

When Cersei heard those words, she did not believe them as well as she knew how hard it was for them to get Ned Stark's approval. She herself knew that this plan would never work as she knew how close Edward and Ned Stark were.