Chapter 237: Lyonel is about to die

The Night King came out of this explosion as if nothing happened, though. There was not even any dust on his figure. It was as if nothing happened at all.

But the dragons were in a bad situation, though. From the previous seven, only three remained, and they also had a lot of broken bones. But with the Night King's power, they started to heal.

The Night King did not move, but he looked in Edward's direction as if he could see Edward's every move while taking his sword out from his back before pointing in Edward, and the army started to move.

The Night King did not have a sense of loss since every living man could be his minion after dying. That was why the Night King did not care about losing half his army and six dragons in one battle. He saw Edward's and his children's dragons as his own.

While the Night King started to move, Edward was on his way to Winterfell. He hoped that everything would go as he planned. They still had some time before the Night King reached Winterfell. Edward estimated that the Night King would take a weak or more before he reached Winterfell.

The dead army was slow in their march, and the Night King would only move with the whole army. Since Edward did not expect that the Night King would attack the realm this fast, his attempt to evacuate the North would not work perfectly. The Night King was going to add more minions to his army on his way to Winterfell, but that would help Edward.

As for the Night's Watch, Edward had prepared a fleet near the shore of the Bay of Seals that would take the group to the White Harper. That would let them have some time to rest before the final war.

At the moment, Edward got hurt because of the explosion that he created. Although the fire could not burn him, that explosion was not all about the fire, but it made many things fly around.

Edward had different types of injures due to fragments resulted from the explosion. His nick and right shoulder had a deep wound, while his left arm seemed to be broken, and he would not have the ability to use it any time soon.

As for Edward's two dragons, they did not come out of that explosion safe, but Gēlion had a hole in 'her' right-wing, making it difficult for 'her' to fly straight.

Gēlion was exerting much strength to keep 'herself' flying, or she would have fallen down long ago. Fortunately for Edward and 'her.', the dragons seemed to have high regeneration, especially his. Edward estimated that Gēlion would need a week before she was back to her fall strength.

As for Bantāzma, 'he' was a little better than his sister. The dragon knew how to protect 'himself' well enough. He would control his wings' movements to avoid the fragments to the best of his ability, and Bantāzma managed to prevent any critical hits that could hurt it from coming to him.

Although he managed to avoid all the big fragments that could hurt it badly, that did not mean that he got out without any wound. The tip of the dragon's tail got cut by the spear thrown by the Night King that he threw at Edward, even in that dark smoke. Thanks to any god, the dragons would not get affected by the Night King's ice.

But Edward did not care about his wounds since another matter took over his mind. Edward's mind got occupied by his son's, Lyonel, condition. Edward did not know what would happen to his precious son. Was he finally going to lose a son in this world? That alone made his heart hurt him more. Although he had prepared himself for this situation, he still did not believe that such a day would come.

This world made him think that he would lose his children any time, and he prepared himself mentally, but he still could not take it.

That was why Edward ignored his injury all the way and did not realize the amount of blood that he lost during his journey back to Winterfell. Even with his brain focusing only on this matter, he could not find a solution for his son's situation, which made him restless all the way and worsened his condition.

When Winterfell was finally in his sight, Edward could see the remaining eight dragons flying in the skies of Winterfell. As for Honzo, the dragon made a crying sound as if it was experiencing a break down which made Edward's heart hurt more. Edward knew that Honzo was bounded to his son, and it knew Lyonel's condition the best, better than even the maesters in the castle.

According to the sound he heard, Edward could conclude that his son's life was about to end. Lyonel's injury was far much worse than Bran's. The Night King had only touched Bran with the tip of the spear, and Bran turned like this. But Lyonel was different.

Not only did Lyonel lose an arm, but the cold entered his body, turning him into ice little by little. Although the rituals should have helped in this situation, the injury was not light.

Even the rituals could not stop the cold when it entered the bloodstream. And the cold had already affected Lyonel's lungs by now.

It did not take long before Bantāzma and Gēlion landed in Winterfell, and Edward's children came to see him while Jasmine was crying hard. They were waiting for Edward, hoping to see Edward make another miracle and save their brother.

"Father, Lyonel, he..." Cried Jasmine as she could not believe what happened to her on this day. Not only did her cousin die to save her, but her brother was also about to die as well.

When Edward saw his daughter's condition, he did not know what to say to console her because he himself was crying. Edward did not realize that his eyes were soaking wet because of the number of tears that escaped his eyes on the long journey back to Winterfell.

Orys's condition was the worst since he was Lyonel's twin. Although the two were fighting each other as if they did not stand each other's face at all and would like to see the other dead, the feelings in their heart were much different. Although they behaved like that, they were the closest to each other.

And after seeing what happened to his twin, Orys seemed as if he lost it. His eyes were red, but he did not cry even once and kept everything in his heart. Orys's mind was in trauma right now, and his brother's condition would change him a little by little.