Chapter 240: Battle of White Harbor

If the things still went south, Edward would have time to retreat with The Smallfolks he saved from the North. He would also retreat with his weapons and war engines to prepare for the next battle.

"Sansa, I knew that you are hurt, but this is not the right time to act like this. I promised Lyonel to take care of you. You must be strong for your child." Said Edward as he looked at Sansa with a sad look. Although the girl had become much stronger than the time she spent in King's Landing, she still was fragile, and the death of her husband that she loved broke her.

After hearing Edward's words, Sansa nodded her head since she knew that she had to save as many Smallfolks as she could. The North and Riverlands, the lands of her father and mother, faced the worst nightmare in the world, and she had to put it together if she wanted to defend what was left from those lands.

"Don't worry, your grace. I will do my best to save my people." Said Sansa with a determined look while her hands did not leave her belly. Her child was the only thing that could give her what she lost, and she had promised Lyonel to take care of the child.

Edward nodded his head as he helped her to his dragon since everyone was preparing to leave Winterfell. According to Bran, the Night King would need another week before reaching Winterfell. Edward had thought of turning Winterfell into a large bomb to blow up the Night King and his army, but he could not do that to Winterfell since his friend and his family had lived in this castle for decades.

But refusing to do that to Winterfell did not mean that Edward would do that to the other castle. On the contrary, he had already ordered to use the wildfire bombs that had arrived in the three days he lost conscience. Edward was preparing to make the Night King lose his army a little by little before fucking that mother fucker with his own hands.

Edward would never forget his son's death, and he would fight the Night and kill him, or he would die trying to do that. Call him insane, or anything but Edward regarded his children as his soul, and if anyone dared to hurt them, he would fuck them up himself.

It did not take long before the group reached White Harbor, where they were welcomed by Lord Manderly and what was left of his family. Lord Manderly's expression was unsightly since he knew that the situation was critical since the group decided to retreat to his city.

"Start loading everyone who could not fight into the ships." Said Edward as he instructed Lord Manderly and every lord that arrived. The lords who refused to retreat to this place like Lord Glover were a lost cause. Edward was sure that the Night King would attack them before he came here.

"At once, your grace." Said Jon Clinn as he took lord Manderly with him to start executing what Edward ordered.

"What about the weapons, Flip?" Asked Edward because he had a feeling that they would lose the upcoming battle for some reason.

"Everything is in its place, your grace." Replied Flip as he looked at Edward's restless expression.

After hearing their words, Edward decided to take a long breath to calm himself. Although he did not know why he felt like that since he had the advantages in the upcoming battle, Edward decided to be cautious. Edward could not afford to lose another child.

"Raymont, if I tell you all to retreat, don't look back and only retreat as fast as you could. Do you hear me? As for you, Flip, don't forget to load the weapons back to the ships. We can't afford to lose them." Said Edward with a restless expression on his face. It was the first time that Raymont and his siblings had seen Edward behave like that. Edward always acted carefreely and collected in front of them, so seeing their father's worried like that made them worried as well.

"As you wish, father." Said Raymont as he looked at his father with a grave expression. When he saw his father return with all those injuries on his body the other day made him how grave the situation they were facing at that time.

The next few days were like hell to everyone in White Harbor because everyone knew what was coming for them. Two days earlier, the news about the other lords in the North that hid in their castles had reached them. The Night King did not leave anyone alive in the North. Only three locations had people at the moment, White Harbor, Flint's Finger, and Skagos.

At the dawn of this day, Edward finally knew the reason for his restless feelings in the past few days. The fucking undead Night King came with seven dragons which meant that he did not stop excavating the North for more dragons. No wonder no one had seen him in the past few days, and he was only sending his minions to do his work.

When Edward saw this scene, he knew that he could not take on those dragons with his injured dragons, and if this battle continued, their losses would be disastrous. Fortunately for Edward, he had prepared a lot for fighting dragons, and he prepared a weapon called dragon killer that used large spears made from Dragonglass.

The battle started and continued for hours, and both sides were even. The reason Edward and his children were not feeling pressured like the other time was the help they received from the ground, which helped them take down five dragons. Everyone on the battlefield was cheering loudly. They thought that they were going to win anytime, but at this time, the Night King smiled before raising his hand.

And as if the skies themselves started to tremble from the shock. Every fallen Wights started to explode, and you all can imagine what would happen when more than forty thousand Wights exploded at the same time. The walls of White Harbor could not take on for a long time before getting destroyed one after another.

Not only the walls, but the losses in their men alone went from a few hundreds to six thousand in one shot. After seeing the change on the battlefield, Edward knew that this could not continue and ordered everyone to retreat. At least, they had some good results in this battle and managed to cut down their losses.

After taking down five dragons, Edward could stop the Night King's last two on his own while his children could protect the men in the battleground. But when Edward looked at the Night King, he saw him smiling at his face as if he did not care about his losses. And at this time, the Night King made another spear while smiling.