My Car!!!

I called my dad out to come to the abandoned factory. "Hes smart, he'll know what to do."I said to myself as I look outside from a small door point of view. Then I closed the door and walked to my f50, opening the passenger seat door and turning on the radio, because hey, I was bored and theres always something interesting on the radio. I wanted to get into a hotel after I met up with my dad, so I started packing up luckily I did because as soon as I got a text message from a random number I've never seen before. A matte black SUV stopped in front of the factory and I knew it wasn't my dad because he would never go anywhere without his limo. I went outside to get a better look at the car ,but I couldn't see anyone inside because the windows were tinted pitch black . And I took one step too many and they rolled their windows down and black uzi's all pointed at me but the one I gave most recognition to was the the silver hand canon which reflected the light of the sun into my eyes and I ran back inside, got in my vehicle and sped off, I was stupid for not leaving the roll door at the back open for when I had to escape. I got out and pulled the chain as hard as I can so that I can initiate quick getaway, getaway or not I had to hurry up so that I could arrange a new place where I can meet my father ,I don't want a gang shooting to happen here it's going to give away my hiding spot.

I got into my car and I sped off leaving a short trail of smoke. As my car just hit 100 mph I took out my phone and dialed my dad's number ... ... ...

"Yes son?" "Dont go to the factory meet me at the Charlotte spa and hotel, ok" "I will do that." My hand started sweating a bunch when the car hit 120 mph, but I had to slow down because I was heading into the city. I threw my cell phone into the passenger seat out of pure anxiety. Then I looked at it without turning my head to it."What if the people tapped or tracked it, that's probably how they knew my location, SHIT!SHIT!SHIT!SHIT!!!" With every "shit!" I hit my steering wheel and I pulled over to the side...I drove off slowly after I had some time to think, I was heading for "suns out, guns out" The best place I knew I could buy a gun and some ammo because all I had was a SIG Sauer P226 with one mag it's a good gun but I shouldn't rely on a pistol alone.

Stopped at the back of the shop and went in the front but I was getting me an m16 and a by15. Luckily they had the guns and I had the qualifications needed, and dont forget the money, I caressed the shotguns barrel and then I asked the man what ammo whould be most ideal for the pistol I had, he just asked me if I was looking to buy some and I said yes. I took all my stuff but he brought out the m16 and I put the shotgun in the passenger seat. I opened the bonnet for him and he put in the m16. He closed it and slowly walked to me who was already sitting in the driver seat ,he leaned against my door and he said ."I've heard about you on the news, you better get out of here." "Then why weren't you scared of me?" I asked. He laughed. "Ha,ha,hahaha, cos I got all the guns, hey you better get out of this place not just the cops are looking for you but also the gangsters, cos you got a 500 grand bounty on you for killing the tailors brother."

"Who the fuck is that and how do you know so much?" "People like you that are running from something or someone usually stops at my shop for a reason, the next week they're dead. So I just don't want to see another one die, so I'm helping you for the fun of it, good luck, hopefully I see you again near the end of the month." "I'll try to survive that long." Then he backed up and I exited the parking area. And it was a couple of turns but I made it to the hotel, and I saw my dad's limo but I was already expecting the worst. As I was about to drive out of the block a unexpected black SUV hit me but yeah I was expecting the worst, my car flipped over and my vision went blurry two men in tuxedos pulled me out of the car while shooting at something the one with a pistol and the other with an uzi my body was half numb and I couldn't really here anything only a ring and some hints of gunshots, and they went from pulling me by the hands to pulling me by the shoulders, that was a much better technique. As they pull me away from my car I see the car smoking alot.As they throw me into the limo I see my car explode with all my guns ... "My car." My vision goes blurry again and I pass out.