The Mansion

My dad drove very fast so that he can break the silence between us, the noise of the car was beautiful to my ears but I had to give my dad a break from driving fast. So I turned on the radio. My dad first jumped when I suddenly turned on the radio. But when I was turning the nob looking for my favorite radio station my dad quickly calmed down and turned his vision back on the road. Until I hit it.

"How's it going, I bet all you beautiful people out there are wanting some Mad decent we all hope you have a wonderful experience and never be shy to check out our website, you just might win a prize. But first, twenty minutes of commercials! I'm just joking! Now playing Dillon Francis I.D.G.A.F.O.S ."

I liked the song but I didn't know about my dad, what did it matter we were close.

We were a few kilometers out of town we were surrounded by trees, long dark trees it almost had a rainforest smell to them. We took a sharp left turn up a hill, the road went from black tar to randomly place stones connected with cement, perfectly cut. It was a kind of long way up, the mansion was big with his head popping out from behind the white mansion walls by a lot.

The walls had a rough texture on them and the gate had a two-door opening system and the color of it was a mixture of bronze and gold with a golden plate attached to it with the words engraved in black. (Marlon Mansion) The guard to the left had an mp5 in his hand the other one on the right had a baton and handcuffs on his belt ready to open the gate, the man with the mp5 checked if it was my dad in the driver seat and nodded to the other man signaling him to open the gate for us.

"Have a good day sir."

My dad smiled at the man in black.

"You too Rockwell, and be more cautious of where you point that gun, remember finger only on the trigger if you feel suspicious, ok."

He looked at his gun and quickly pointed it downwards, away from my dad, and gave an awkward smile.

We slowly drove in and my dad parked the car in front of the steps leading to the mansion doors, as I got out I admired the sunset beaming through the stream of water coming from the fountain.

"That's so beautiful I know where I'm going to hang out tomorrow. "

I opened the bonnet and just when I touched the first bag I could see there were four men already about to assist me. They quickly took all my stuff at one turn into the house. I looked at them walking in the house I quickly turned my head towards my father.

"Dad where are they taking my belongings? "

"To your new room, of course, follow them I can't tell you exactly where it is ."

He said just when he locked the car. I ran up the stairs maneuvering my feet so that I don't fall. I followed the man I saw walking into the mansion, he took a few turns but I just followed him, he had my PS4 so I was a bit happy following him. We went upstairs and I wondered, how many stairs do I want to walk on today.

We walked in a hall with multiple doors on the left and the right, then suddenly a door opened up, a sharp light was shining out of it but it was more orange than white. She jumped at the sight of the PS4 in the man's hands.

"Wow is that a PS4 I want to play c'mon you got to let me."

The man walked past her almost not even noticing her, as I walked past her she had a half-open mouth like if she didn't finish her sentence, she stared at me and all of a sudden smiled at me with her eyes closed and her hand halfway in the air waving at me I looked at her and smiled back till we saw my room. Room number 42 all the men walked out of my room one by one passing me they said hi or hello but the third man stopped me in my tracks, he was a big dark skin colored man with a white sleeveless shirt on.

"Hey man I've heard about you from your father I'd like to be your friend my name Biggy and then we can go out to the bar and have a drink, and we can even have a sleepover party ."

"Hey for someone as big and scary as you, I thought you were going to threaten me, but yeah cool bro. See you around, you know where my room is."

He gave me a fistbump and we walked our separate ways.  The man carrying my PS4 was not in sight anymore and my room was only a few steps away from where I was.

Walking in I smell a great smell, so sweet it made me smile. I then got to my bed and unbuttoned my shirt and took it off, zipped open a bag with clothes in, and then I took off my shirt. Spotting my black shirt that was a medium I looked down at my shirt as I was about to put it on I turned around and then I heard a loud gasp coming from the girl I passed earlier standing at the door.

She had pale white skin and an eye-capturing white t-shirt with a cute bunny rabbit printed on it. Black, long hair and the most beautiful green eyes, followed with a short, black Jean on her.

I covered up and quickly put on my shirt.

"What, t are you doing here ?"

"I was just going to say hi, and hello with an I love you and another may I be your friend?"

She did a short squeal after saying that, which I found very cute. So I said yes.

"Yeah sure, let's be friends, why not ."

I sat down on my bed busy unpacking my clothes.

"Can I sit here with you ?"

And she quickly walked to the bed and sat down next to me without waiting for my response. She put her hands next to her and she pushed her thighs against each other. She leaned over to see what I was doing.

I took out my pistol from the briefcase next to me and then I realized that the smell was coming from her.

"Oh my god is that a gun did you kill someone today oh my god !"

She said very quickly making it hard for me to keep up.

I put it down on a table in the room and while I was standing she sneezed releasing a very adorable sound.

"It's all that cologne you put on to attract my attention. "

"What are you talking about? That's not true."

"Then why didn't I smell it when I walked past you ?"

I said with a smirk. Sitting down next to her she started to play with her hair.

In silence, we had nothing to say so I just had to ask, even though I already knew the answer.

"Why are you here?"

"I just wanted to meet you ."

"You could've done that at the door ."

I got up from the bed and grabbed the PS4 and connected it to the TV in front of the bed, I then grabbed a remote and turned it on she quickly grabbed the television remote and turned it on as well.

I gave her the remote so that she could play, she got excited and jumped on the bed and went to my pinned games selecting Call of duty Black ops 4.

As I was busy gathering all my stuff and putting it all in a bunch as I bent down to grab the last bag then I noticed how she stopped playing. I then stopped in a bent down position, with the briefcase in my two palms.

"Where did you get those gunshot wounds ."
