Philanthropist System

Somewhere deep within an ancient ruin, a delicate youth with black hair, black eyes, and red lip woke up.

"Uh, Who am I, where am I?" Zaka started to look around him.

He was surrounded by many old buildings which emanated an aura of ancientness. The buildings were covered by many twisting vines and plants.

There were no animals at all in his surroundings, not even bugs! The place was silent, with the only occasional sound made from the rustling of leaves in the wind.

Suddenly an enormous amount of information assaulted his mind. He suddenly remembered.

He had died in his previous life, but while waiting to be judged by the judge of the dead, a system suddenly merged with his soul and transported his soul to another world with a new body constructed by the system.

"Ding! Congratulations host for acquiring a formidable system which is me!" a boy's voice thick with childishness was heard.

Then, an adorable child at the size of a palm appeared within Zaka field of vision. He floated with a smug expression of his face.

Because Zaka had read many novels with transmigration and system theme in his past life, he wasn't too shocked with this situation. He quickly calmed down.

He asked calmly, "Hey system, where am I?"

The system said cheerfully, "reporting to the host, you are currently within an ancient ruin located in the Burning Flame prefecture of the azure dragon continent of the four symbols world.

There are 3 other continents besides the azure continent in the east which was white tiger continent in the west, vermillion bird continent in the south, and black tortoise in the north.

The continents form a circle with an inner sea called the red pearl sea while the outer sea called the limitless sea. This world is very vast, each of the continent and the inner sea has the same surface area as the earth. Not to mention the limitless sea which no one has ever managed to reach its end.

This world is a cultivation world where a powerful cultivator lives a carefree live while the weak toiling away every day for their entire lives just to survive. The law of jungle applied here: the strong rules the weak.

No one will blame you when you kill a commoner as long as you have enough power to back it up. This power stems from your background or your strength.

Moreover, the higher cultivation realm you achieved the longer the life span you have.

Until one day you will become a true immortal unbound by the rule of heaven, detached from the five-element, live for eternity, at that time you will become a truly carefree celestial immortal.

But, don't worry with my help you can become a powerful and philanthropist cultivator. Getting strong while helping the weak. Hahahha!"

Zaka stood there stupefied, "can you repeat your word?"

The system confused, "what? This is a cultivation world?"

"No after that!"

"You can kill anyone as you please? Host, I have to remind you, while that applied for other cultivators, you can't do that or the system will punish you! You had to have sufficient reason for example an evil cultivator or murderer."

"No! after that!"

"Umm, the higher your realm of cultivation the longer your life span?"

"Yes, that's what I meant!" Zaka was trying hard to suppress his excitement, "How long can I live if I cultivate?"

"For body refining 100 years until golden core for 5000 years! Of course, if you can become an immortal you can live for eternity."

"HAHAHAHA! Thank you heaven for giving me a chance to live once more. Moreover, you made me born in this cultivation world!" Zaka laughed jubilantly.

In his past life, he was born as a sickly and weak person. The disease was a rare one, and it cannot be cured, he was diagnosed with death at the age of 20.

His family was prestigious, dabbling both on politics and business. Moreover, he was from the main lineage, but, because of his constitution, he was abandoned by his family and given a house and just enough money to live.

Since he was born, he had been sentenced death at a young age and he spent virtually his entire life on a bed because of his poor stamina.

So he decided that in his next life he will live for a long, long time and he will enjoy every second of his life. He didn't expect that he would be given the chance so quickly, let alone with full memory.

"You have to thank yourself for this chance you know." The system said.


"Don't make that stupid face, recall what you did in your past life. You donated all of your wealth for cancer patient all around the world. Those who have been healed thanks to your help are now able to live happily and some of them even continuing your effort for helping other cancer patients.

And some those who are recovered because of the help of the people you have helped also helping others.

All of the virtue generated from all of this is enormous. It's so much that it formed me. I helped you bypass reincarnation and go directly to this world with your memory intact." The system explained smugly.

"Oh! I forgot about this, but what is your name? I can just call you 'hey' every time right?"

"I don't have a name, I just have been created. You can call me anything you want." The system said nonchalantly, but his expectant eyes betrayed his voice.

"Umm, since we are going to be together for a long time, and you are the first creature I met in this world you can be considered my family. So, I will call you Zaki. Zaka and Zaki, similar right? From now on let's work together happily." Zaka said with a smile.

"Hahaha! Zaki! Good name, good name, good name." Zaki was excited.

"Okay, now back to the business, what do you mean by helping me to become a powerful… cultivator," Zaka said with a pause.

Zaki said cheerfully, "Yes, I will help you to become a powerful and philanthropist cultivator!"

The corner of Zaka's eyes twitched.

"Try to see at the corner of your vision, see that smiley emoji. Try to focus and think about pressing the emoji."

Zaka tried to do what Zaki told him. Suddenly, a transparent screen appeared in his view. There were four tabs: Cultivation technique, battle technique, artifacts, and bloodline.

"As you can see there were five sections. Cultivation technique section is further divided into two namely qi refinement and fiend body cultivation, while the battle technique section contains all form of technique from the fist, palm, spear, sabre, sword, whip, and much more.

Divine ability section contains divine abilities which can only be used by a fiend body cultivator. Artifacts contain limitless divine artifacts from legends.

Lastly, and the most supreme section, bloodline section. It contains many supreme bloodlines from divine creatures or emperor in legends."

He looked at them one by one. Afterwards, he couldn't stop himself from gasping


Cultivation technique: [primordial chaos refinement], [heavenly water art], [Golden Buddha scripture], [indestructible Pangu fiend-body refinement], [Heavenly Garuda sutra], and so on.

Battle technique: [Heaven dominator fist], [Heavenly wing evasion technique], [Milky way sword art], [asura sabre art], and so on.

Divine Ability: [Gigantification], [three head, six arm], [Garuda wing], [Houyi Archery]

Artifacts: [Houyi's bow], [Pangu heavenly axe], [Kontang antakusuma], [Fuxi staff], and so on.

Bloodline: [Yellow emperor], [Pangu], [Nuwa], [Gatotkaca], [Buddha], [Azure dragon], and so on.

He didn't know most of them, but he could tell just from the name that these were amazing stuff. Especially the bloodlines, all of them came from legendary figures or creatures. Zaka's eyes turned red from greed.

"How can I acquire all of this?" Zaka asked hurriedly.

"You can buy them with karmic points. You can see the price written underneath every item." Zaki said.

Zaka looked at the prices…

[Heaven dominator fist]: ten thousand KP

[Pangu fiend-body refinement]: ten million KP

[Houyi's bow]: a hundred million KP

[Pangu bloodline]: one billion KP.

[Gigantification]: one million KP

And then he looked at his current KP: ten thousand KP. He felt like vomiting blood.

"How can I earn karmic points?"

"By completing quests from the system which is exterminating evil and helping others," Zaki said plainly.

"What!!? Is there no other way? That method is too risky. What if we are going to save the woman who is about to be raped but it turns out that the rapist hides his cultivation level.

Or, when we saved a woman and the woman turned out to be a disciple of a mighty sect master and then we were taken into the sect and hailed as a hero!!" Zaka said frantically.

"What's wrong with the method? Do you think all that item just come out of thin air? The karmic point generated after saving a person or killing evildoer will be transformed by the system into the items.

Don't worry about miscalculating a person power, because I have the justice map and justice vision. It can show you the position and the difficulty of the quest.

The difficulty involves the comparison between your strength and the evildoer strength or how capable you are in saving the person. You can choose to do a quest or not.

Also, what is wrong with being hailed as a hero? Isn't it great to be adored by many people? Moreover, saving a damsel in distress is a perfect situation for you to hit on girls.

Girls are the most vulnerable at the time, and you can comfort her mentally and… physically." Zaki said with a perverted face.

"Hell! I don't think you are this perverted. Let me tell you something. The key for a long life is being low key.

Imagine, if no one who knows you, no one will harm you. Unless it is an accident or there is a person who harms people without reason.

If it's me who gets hit, then I'll hold back. If Others who gets hit… I will not interfere. Unless I'm sure I can win and there is no one to back the person up. This will be the way I act from now on because I seek to live a long life."

Zaka had already made a plan for his life: increase his power continuously while being as low-key as possible and spend the rest of his time eating and enjoying peace.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you got a beginner bonus pack. Check at the message section, it is beside the smiley emoji, the one with the letter symbol." Zaki said.

Zaka opened the message section. The previous screen changed to a message screen. He saw a notification.

[Beginner Pack!]

He opened the pack and then a new screen appeared atop the message screen.

[You got [Supreme Comprehension] talent]

[You got a [bloodline activation] item, use it now [yes]/[no]]

"Wow, congratulations boss! It is very rare to get talent, let alone a supreme talent." Zaki said excitedly.

Zaka nodded happily, "What is this bloodline activation?"

"Boss you can just think about the item. It will make the item's information appear."

[Bloodline activation]: activate a dormant bloodline with a certain concentration within your body. The minimum requirement is 1%. You have one piece of [Bloodline activation], use it now? [yes]/[no]

Zaka chooses [yes] and then a list of bloodlines within Zaka's body appeared.

[Gatotkaca] 5%

[Arjuna] 0,01%

[Monkey] 0,001%

… …%

"What!! I have the bloodline of Gatotkaca?!" Zaka was shocked.

How could he not shocked? Gatotkaca was a legendary god in Javanese culture. He was born from intermarriage between a heavenly giant, which renowned for their strength and tough body, and a deity, which has an insane affinity with nature. Gatotkaca inherited the strong points of both races.

When he was born, his body was already so strong that his umbilical cord could not be cut with any weapon. His uncle, Arjuna, looked for help from other high gods and finally acquired the sheath of a divine arrow, Konta, which can cut the umbilical cord.

However, when Arjuna cut the cord, the sheath fused with Gatotkaca which made his body much stronger.

When he was a child, he was thrown in the Candradimuka lake alongside with many types of divine weapon.

When he flew out of the lake, he had fused with the weapons which caused his body to become so strong that it could not be injured by any weapon.

Moreover, Gatotkaca bloodline is considered as one of the supreme bloodlines, since it had the same price as Pangu and Nuwa bloodline!

Zaka activated the Gatotkaca bloodline without hesitation.