First Mission (1)

[Host! Host! It has been 5 days since you have become a Host! The host has become prettier these days! Are the routines very helpful?]

[Yes, it is very helpful]

These past 5 days, Su Yunjin and the system have gotten closer. Su Yunjin asked questions and they were answered by the system. They both were getting along very well. Su Yunjin was enjoying sleeping and eating her favorite food that she has been waiting to eat for a long time.

[Host, today is your last day of vacation! After this, you have to go on a mission! 5 vacation days is the limit for beginners! Fun fact: The more points you earn, the more vacation days you have! so, if the host still wants to keep sleeping and eating, then you got to earn those points!]

"Mission." Su Yunjin said and suddenly opened her eyes and a file in front of her eyes appeared.

[Mission: The Orphan wins Mr. Lu's Heart!]

"I'll do this one." Su Yunjin said as the storyline appeared.

An orphan named Feng Suli (Female lead of the novel) saved the World's Richest Man, Lu Ji Han (Male lead of the novel) when he was injured by men in black suits.

Feng Suli took care of him and nursed him back to health, knowing that he was rich, she wanted to make him fall for her and soon, let her live a rich luxurious life. Lu Ji Han felt grateful and sad because she was an orphan and offered her a spot in his company. Feng Suli happily agreed.

Since that day, they started to see each other more often and got closer. Feng Suli was often bullied in the company and made a lot of fuss and Lu Ji Han had to save her and fire some of his workers. Lu Ji Han made Feng Suli his assistant and started to court her. He fell in love at first sight with her because of her kindness and care.

Feng Suli accepted tearfully and they got together.

Then, the fiance of Lu Ji Han appeared and started to bully Feng Suli.

Lu Ji Han saw Feng Suli in bruises and asked her. She tried to act like it was the fiance's fault but the tears already started falling down.

Lu Ji Han went mad and broke his engagement with his fiance. His fiance was so angry at both of them that she got into a car accident and died.

The male lead and the female lead lived happily ever after.

{So Female Lead got what she wanted? What the heck! Lu Ji Han, you just got manipulated by that cunning fox.} Su Yunjin shook her head sideways.

[Would you like to start Host?]

"Yeah, yeah let's do this."


Su Yunjin opened her eyes and realized she is in a room. A shiny one.

{System, who I am?}

[Host is the fiance of the Male Lead, Lu Ji Han, Su Li.]

{What is the mission?}

[Main mission: Expose Fl

Side mission 1: Make ML fall in love with you!

Side Mission 2: Become the ideal couple!]

After Su Yunjin got the missions, she explored the place. The system had told her that Su Li was spoiled by her parents and grandparents. She was engaged to Lu Ji Han when they were just four years old. Su Li fell in love with him at first sight.

"What is wrong with people? How can they always fall in love at the first sight?" Su Yunjin murmured.


Su Yunjin rolled her eyes at the system's answer.

Getting up from her bed, she smiled at the maids. The maids smiled back.

She had the owner's memory so she knew where to go. She arrived at the dining room where she met the grandparents and the parents of the body. They smiled at her and she greeted them in response.

She sat on the chair and the whole family started chatting and eating happily.

"Wow! what a happy family. The family is so well mannered. But they spoiled their daughter too much. It is good to love your children but loving them too much is harmful." Su Yunjin thought.

After calming herself down a little when the breakfast was approaching its end, Su Yunjin spoke softly.

"Dad, I want to start a business."

Mr. Su, the father of Su Li stopped eating and looked at her with a raised eyebrows.

This was out of nowhere.

"When did she started to get interested in business?" He thought.

'No, never! His daughter is too good for business. He will never let her do business. Business is too scary.' He thought.

Mrs. Su, the mother of Su Li looked at her daughter. Her eyes sparkled and shined. Before Mr. Su could say anything to reject his daughter's wish, his wife interrupted him with shiny and glistening eyes.

Su Yunjin felt her hands in the hands of her mother. She looked at her mother and saw her wet eyes and pouty mouth, trying not to cry.

'Did she do something?' She thought.

Mrs. Su held her beloved daughter's hands. She could not believe that her daughter was talking about business.

"Yes, this is definitely my flesh and blood. You have finally decided to make yourself known to the world." She said wiping her tears.


The atmosphere was tackled down by Mr. Su's response. His parents looked at him in disbelief.

His father, Mr. Old Su: Is my son dumb?

His mother, Mrs. Old Su: She is trying something new and big. Don't turn her down.

His wife: I don't know him anymore.

Su Yunjin pouted and frowned, acting spoiled.

"Why? I thought my father wanted me to do something. And I decided that I want to be like Dad. A good businesswoman. Why can't I do business." Su Yunjin lowered her voice at the end and lowered her head, acting wrong and heartbroken.

While she was looking down, she didn't notice the angry stares that were targeting her father. From her memories, it was obvious that the situation will be turned around like this. Her family had spoiled her to an extreme level.