
If it was not for the love meter on her system, Su Yunjin would have thought that he had never loved her.

But she knew, he loves her and that too very much.

'He has a strange way of expressing his love.'

his heart is like an ocean so deep that one lifetime wouldn't be sufficient to know him. she thought as she wiped the tears from her face.

she took the note in her hands and read it.

"Su Li,

I will come back to you soon. Just wait for me.

Here's my number,



Ji Han.

Her heartfelt a bit uncomfortable but then a warm feeling spread throughout her whole body. Su Li smiled and placed the money on the table and then left the cafe.


[What is your plan, Miss Host? The engagement party of you and Lu Ji Han is coming near. What do you think? Will, he will be surprised or happy? What will you do host?]

{Hmmm, you are right. The date of our engagement party is coming closer. Don't worry. I know what I have to do.}

[I believe Miss Host will do great. You are the best host in my data so far. I believe in you.]

{My, aren't you a smart system.}

[Hehehe! I am the smartest of them all. Miss Host is lucky to have me.]

Su Yunjin rolled her eyes at the system's response and said,

{Yes, yes, I am fortunate.}


It's been two weeks since Lu Ji Han left and Su Yunjin was working as usual on the papers and new events or plans for upcoming years.

"Miss Su, you have visitors." Chen Mu whispered into her ears and her eyebrow raised. Her heart skipped.

Could it be….?

With rasing heart, Su Yunjin was quickly walked to the living room. Her mind was thinking about him every day. A smile appeared on her face. But that racing heart and smile were gone from her face as she saw the visitors.

"Oh, Dad, mom, what are you guys doing here?" Su Yunjin questioned even though she knew why they were here. A gentle smile appeared on her face, hiding her disappointment.

Her parent sat there on the soft highly designed couches. Her mother seems to have dried teary eyes. Su Yunjin sat right next to her mother with a worried look on her face.

"What is wrong mom? Is everything alright?" Su Yunjin asked as her mother shook her head and smiled at her.

Her father cleared his throat and Su Yunjin looked at him.

"Li Li, your engagement party with Mr. Lu is coming up in a few weeks. The engagement party will be held at his company." Her father started which made Su Yunjin's fingers, fidget.

"I know that this is coming fast and is causing you more pressure but a promise is a promise. And I know that Mr. Lu will treat you well." Her father went straight to the point and after a few minutes of him explaining, Su Yunjin stopped fidgeting and was calm.

"Alright. On that week, my schedule is cleared. Father doesn't have to worry. I thank mother and father for taking care of me for all this time." Su Yunjin said as she lowered her head but was stopped by her mother.

"Oh, don't even say that like it's a goodbye! I could visit you . my baby has grown up and is getting married." Mrs. Su said wiping her tears.

"If he ever treats you harshly, tell your mother. I will slice him up with a large knife." Mrs. Su continued clenching her fist.

Her mother hugged her tearfully and Su Yunjin gently patted her back as her mother cried.

'W-well you sure sound like this is our final goodbye with these tears ad all.' Su Yunjin thought but leaned closer to her mother to hug her.

She was grateful to this family very much. They truly loved her. It was because of them that she had lived so well so far.

"Alright mom, don't cry, don't cry." Su Yunjin said gently coaxing her mother.

Her mother and father left after eating with her. Xiao Li took the plates and continued to wash them.

Su Yunjin grabbed a bottle of wine and a glass and then she sipped it. She sipped some more until the whole bottle became empty.

Xiao Li was worried about her. Usually, she would drink half of it or just one cup or just one sip, but she never drank the whole bottle.

Xiao Li escorted Su Yunjin to her room and tucked her in the bed. While tucking her in, she heard Su Yunjin murmurs….

"Ji Han…. Ji Han…. I…. miss….. you. You are a bass… tard…. You didn't come back…. You…. Liar…. Ji Han…." Su Yunjin slurred and moved around her bed.

"Ji Han… I miss youuuuu..... please….. please come back…."


Xiao Li closed the door and let out a sigh.

She then started punching and kicking the air around her imagining it as Lu Ji Han's handsome face and body.

'How dare he make Miss Su unhappy. Huh, he is a bastard. Don't let me catch him or else-" she murmured and punched the air once again.

After a little fit, Xiao Li walked back to her room and slept.