Part 15 : The bite

- Let's get him inside ! Hurry !

- What happend ? asks Deaton.

- He got bitten. He said it was a werewolf.

- Isaac ! Stay with me. His blood pressure's high, it must be because of the adrenaline running through his veins.

- Could it also be because he's turning ? I ask.

- Maybe but...

- Doc, he's not breathing ! screams Scott.

I'm scared. Everything is going so fast. I need to sit down.

- Izzy, you're okay ?

- I'm fine Alli, just take care of Isa...

- She's falling !

- Lay her down on the other table, I need to examine Isaac's case. He does not have a typical response to the bite.

- Is he gonna survive this ? asks Alli, she's crying.

- At this point, it's impossible to tell if he's muting or just dying.

- Well, can't you do anything ?!

- I'm afraid not. If I try anything it might stop the mutation and ruin every chance he has of healing, but if we wait and the bite kills him... This is totally out of our controle.

- What about Izzy ? What's wrong with her ?

- She appears to be inconscient but nothing bad. This is the kind of inconscience that usually happens to a werewolf or other supernatural creature when he uses his abilities for the first time or when he just uses them too much at once. His body is unfamiliar with that much energy and he falls into a coma, he's just tired. His body's asleep but his mind fully conscient. It usually doesn't last long. Izzy isn't any kind of supernatural creature so I assume it's due to the fact that she just carried her one year older brother for a few miles all by herself. And also the psychological shock of seing him with blood and bitten by a werewolf, not knowing if he'll make it out alive.

- So she'll be fine.

- She will. Physically at least. I do not keep from you that she'll be devastated if Isaac dies.

- Like all of us. says Scott. So all we can do now, is wait.

I woke up from my supposed coma a few hours later. Isaac was still gone. Days went by, a week. He still didn't wake up. The atmosphere within the pack was electrical. None of us knew if he was gonna make it. I still held on, in denial, telling myself he was gonna be okay no matter what, that he will fight this and survive. The worst of us all was probably Allison. I don't know when they started dating but she truly cares about him and it shows. She hasn't been to school or out for all that matters, since he's in a coma. She doesn't visit him at the hospital cause we transfered him there, where he as everything he might need including a super worried Melissa McCall watching over her adoptive son 24/7. Allison refuses to see him because she knows she won't stand seeing him like that and not being able to help him or do anything other than wait for the universe to send us a sign.

It's unfair, especially since we don't know who bit him. We have no one to blame. The only type of werewolves that can turn humans are alphas. All the alphas the pack and I know, are Scott, Peter Hale and Deucalion, a guy who used to be really bad ; killing everyone standing in his way and calling himself the Demon wolf, kind of bad ; but now he's retired and doesn't fight anymore. So the only plausible remaining option is...

- Peter. says Scott. He's the one who bit me. It's gotta be him !

- But if it's him, he has a plan. We're talking about Peter here. The guy who's been walking around as if nothing ever happened, saving our ass once in a while to make us believe he's one of the good guys ? He's not. adds Stiles.

- Peter is Malia's dad, right ? I ask.

- Yeah. She didn't choose it.

- So what, do we ask her to get information from him ? She's his daughter, he must trust her.

- Peter doesn't trust anyone. That's why he's still alive.

- Okay, well we need to know first, if it's him for sure and then why he did it. That's the least we could do. We're not just gonna wait for when Isaac's gonna wake up.

- Izzy, we're even not sure... starts Stiles.

- He's gonna wake up. He will, he has to.

I wipe a tear that was rolling down my cheek and smile.

- Now who the fuck is coming with me to confront that obnoxious bastard about what he did to my brother ?

- I am. says Allison, standing up.

- No you're not. says Scott. You're way too emotional for a confrontation right now. No, what you need, is some sleep. I should be the one talking to him ; first he bit me, and then I'm also the one who put Isaac in this mess, by introducing him to all this.

- If it wasn't for you, it would've been for me. So, are we good to go ?

- Yeah.

We drive silently until we get to the Hale loft. Peter isn't there and Cora gives us an address downtown where he has an appartment. In her opinion, it's where we're gonna find him.

- If he isn't hiding out, of course. Because, if he did what you said he did, then he must be on the run. But to be honest, it just doesn't add up. Peter was in a good place with the pack. Why would he put all of this at risk just to turn a teenager ? I think you can find him there, because I bet he doesn't even know what you're accusing him of.

We thank her and drive to that address. I knock on the door so hard I think it's gonna fall off.

- What do you people want ? I'm paying extra money for the comfort of this place, including the no-noise policy !

He opens the door and sees us.

- Guess that policy's the reason why my brother's in a coma thanks to your fucking werewolf bite.

- What the... ? Who is that ?

- Izzy Lahey.

- I didn't bite anyone okay ? I'm nice now, remember ?

- Cut the crap, Peter. A while ago, you bit someone. A young man, curly hair, kinda tall. He was walking down the street. Does that ring a bell ?

He looks at us with confusion so I grab him by the collar and push him against the wall, while stepping into the appartment.

- He was my brother, you psycho !

- Izzy, calm down ! We're not even sure it's him. Let him go !

I listen to my brother with regret.

- That's a nice appartment you've got there. I say. And that no-noise policy seems to really be working. It almost feels like... Everybody in this building is fucking dead.

It's Scott's turn to do the threatening : he grabs Peter by the collar and pushes him against the wall. Again.

- Did you bit him ? Did you bit a guy lately ?

- No, I did not !

- Then you won't mind coming with us to see Izzy's brother and help us identify the werewolf who did.

Scott drops him on the ground and Peter completely changes his attitude.

- You know what ! I'm outraged ! This accusation... How could you ! I helped you, I saved you and suddenly this girl shows up and I'm the bad guy !

- You are the bad guy ! You never stopped being the bad guy !

- Okay, that's enough.

I punch the former alpha in the face and he drops on the floor, inconscient.

- Couldn't you wait to do that in the car ? Now we have to carry him.

- I got caught up in the moment.

- I... Saw that. How exactly did you knock him down ?

- Liam's been teaching me some self-defense moves for quite some time. This is a perfectly logical explanation for this spontaneous move. The way you hit matters even more than the strength with wich you hit.

He looks at me weirdly.

- Lydia... Books... Library. I add, paniqued.

We carry Peter out in the street and shove him in the trunck of Alli's car, that we took. Then, we go to the hospital. Melissa put Isaac in the most private wing of the hospital, the one reserved for patients who are quarantined because of mortal contagious illnesses ; so no one would ask any questions. We just have to get through all the people and nurses in the entrance. For that, Melissa causes a scene by suddenly yelling that a patient is going to die and leads all doctors and all hospital staff to an opposite wing of the building. All the people waiting to see a patient or to be treated are way too focused on this fake dying patient that they don't notice two teenagers walking around, carrying an inconscious man in their arms, and looking very guilty of something.

- Isaac... Your mom said his patient name was Norm Button.

- Norm Button ?

- She takes that from a sitcom we watched together. I say.

We find his room and come in. I sigh. My brother's still unconscious. To be honest, I don't know what I was expecting. Probably that, by the time we got here, he would've been up and ready to go home with us. Scott punches Peter several times before he wakes up. The Hale screams like hell and I whisper :

- Shut it !

- Great ! You knocked me down. And you got me to the hospital. I guess to see... Your brother. That's just great. What am I supposed to do now ?

I look back at Scott. I did not think about that when I punched him and gently put his werewolf ass in my sister's car.

- Heal him. suddenly says Scott.

- What ? says Peter

- Yeah, we already tried that. I notice.

- I did, Malia did, Cora did. But he didn't. The bond between an alpha and his beta is stronger than the bond between a parent and his child. And I once read that an alpha could heal his beta's wounds better than anyone.

- Lydia ?

- Of course, Lydia. says Scott, smiling.

- Do as he says. Heal him or I swear to god he's gonna kill you.

- Iz, I don't... Kill people.

- You might not, but I will.

- Stop. He'll do it.

Scott puts Peter's and on Isaac's chest.

- Take his pain !

Peter does as Scott says. It's not like he has a choice, anyway. At first, I think this is just a waist of time but when Peter's veins start to turn black, proof that it's actually working, I start talking to my brother :

- Isaac ! Can you hear me ? Please, wake up. I need you. We, need you. You need to accept the bite and trigger the healing process. Because, I can't lose you too. Not after mom. I whisper, crying, by his bed.

Peter suddenly screams for no apparent reason.

- He's taking too much pain, it's gonna kill him !

- Who cares if it saves Isaac ?! I yell.

- Izzy, we're not executors. We don't choose who deserves to die and who doesn't.

I pull Peter out of his misery, not by killing him, but by pushing him out of the room.

- I'm sorry, you're right. I shouldn't say that my brother's life is worth more than his.

- Iz...

- Did you just hear that ?

- What ?

- Izzy...

- Isaac, oh my god ! Can you talk ?

- Apparently...

- I'm so glad to have you back. says Scott.

- Me too, bro.

- So are you a... A werewolf, now ?

- He is. says Scott. I can smell it. And he's part of the pack too. Not Peter's, mine.

- How can you know that ?

- Because Peter's dead, of course.

- What ?!

- I'm kidding. I can just feel where his loyalty lays.

- Isaac, can you get up yet ?

- Yeah, I think so.

- Good.

- Let's get him out of here !