Chapter 2: Life before Death- Midnight

In the world of city lights and darkness of the night, roamed a lifeless and blood-thirsty soul.

When people are starting to get ready for bed, he is up and about, roaming and lurking in the dark of the busy streets of the night. Old people tucked in and trying to sleep peacefully for another day while the young people are roaming and clubbing all night, not wasting their time to not have fun.

Bars, Karaokes, strip clubs- all the facilities that function in the Red District are lit up like a big fire attracting fireflies.

Some group drunk males would pass a dark and smelly alley just the opposite side of the entrance of the Red District. Through their blurry eyesight, they could see a pair of deep shining emerald eyes with a hint of danger and ferocity directed at their way making them shiver, somber up, and stare carefully at the pair of eyes again.

Stepping under the light of the lamp posts, they saw a person wearing a white, flashy halter dress. The clothing appeared to be wrapped snugly against the person's lean body, his skin white as fresh snow!

And the face! That face they will never forget! Pixie-cut platinum blonde hair with flattering bangs that frames the forehead. The thin lips colored with a deep red lipstick and a natural blush on the cheeks from the cold wind.

The lecherous males immediately acted with their dick and wanted to violate the other person.... who would've thought they will be the ones that will get violated?

Pig-like squeals lasted for five seconds and the night fell silent once again. Heads rolled on the side of the darkest part of the alleys while the headless corpses were chopped into pieces expertly, blood smeared everywhere except the person's pristine white clothes.

Slowly the long and bony hands of the person move up to look at his bloodied weapon- a bloody hatchet.

"As I have thought... it's too much work doing these pointless things with a hatchet,"- a man's monotone voice resounded in the dark alley as he put his hatchet down against the wall and sighed.

He Míng.... in a halter dress? If the people in the office see him like this- forget the gruesome acts and scenes he made- EVERYONE WOULD FAWN AND WILDLY WANT TO TOUCH HIM!

He Míng is a successful businessman in the day and a wanted criminal at night. His disguise as a woman-led not only his targets but even the lecherous policemen to chase him to bed first before imprisoning him.

He Míng sighed before he threw the gasoline around the alleys and soak the hatchet as well in gasoline, he also included the ugly warehouse next to him to add the "accident" in a dramatic way.

When he's all done, he took his useless vintage lighter and walk away in a safe distance and lit it up, staring at the fire for three seconds before throwing it at the center of the warehouse in a sharp and precise arch- he came prepared and bought barrels of gasoline, setting the whole crappy warehouse in a huge inferno. Satisfied with his work, he left the place fast and change his clothes before heading back to his house. The burning place was near the red district and they immediately called the firefighters and evacuate the whole district in a chaotic mess.

When He Míng returned to his house, he disposed everything to his burning fireplace, went to his bathroom on the first floor, and soaked in his bathtub to relax. Everything in He Míng's house is white detailed in gray, with little furniture and lots of space, he was contented like that. the only colors that are out of place were the clothes that he used outside. Though he didn't like it at all, he still needs to swallow his grievances and walk out in those clothes. The only relief he would receive is when a pig or two would play sex with him and he will torture them all to the brink of euphoria, and never letting them off till they die, or to kill them mercilessly.

When he went out of the bathroom wrapped in his white bathrobe, he saw a text message on his silver-gray phone. He read it carefully, before turning vigilant and secretly looking around the first floor.

He Míng is displeased, 'Someone ratted me out? Whose this little bastard to expose me?' he thought as he went to his kitchen and cook a meal first. From the message, it said that someone installed a spyware camera inside his house and starting to move the people in the underground to take him.

Why would that Intel tell him to run and hide? Is he, He Míng, easy to bully? He must be eating sh*t or his mind is full of sh*t. Obviously, that Intel is a freaking farce and just wants him to run like a coward.

Unbeknownst to anyone, He Míng is a notorious Smiling Murderer that occupied the "King" position in the underground world a.k.a the Mafia World. He is one that in a sense, stages all his strategic killings in one shot, and painted a terrifying smile on his victims with blood-red lipstick, and has been untouchable for three years of his reign.

The other person informing him was just a scam trying to trick. This group of low life scams really wants to die by this king's hands so eagerly.

After he finished tending to himself, he closed all the lights and navigated around his house. Inside his space, it is just like his small playground, holding his phone by his side he waited in the dark and see who dares to try killing him in such a forward manner.

He Míng thought for a while before shrugging his shoulder. Nobody should blame him that his house is the only erected residence near the cliff of the beach facing the north. His surroundings are all tall fern trees and lots of space with not a single soul in sight.

After waiting for thirty minutes, three large vans stopped in front of his front lawn and a group of men all dressed in black and have masks on their faces stood behind a large man carrying a silver Armalite loaded with 100 bullets each magazine case. The large man cocked his gun and started to shoot the harmless-looking door.

The sound of the gun resounded with the crashing waves of the sea on the cliff. The men furrowed their brows and stared closely at the front pouch...

What the hell? Why are there only scratches but no broken windows? only smashed potted plants.

Everyone looks at the big man in front of them and felt indignant, Are you holding toy guns or you're toying with us ba?!

The big man in the middle was also furious at their stares,

You all hired me, now you look at me like this when I can't damage?! F*ck, look at the house of that Hermit King yourselves!

They all look at the front porch and saw that the bullets laid on the floor harmlessly. Three of the males went to walk at the porch and inspected closely on the porch...nothing looks threatening ba! Is this Hermit King of the Underground really as fierce as what the others told them? They called the others to look closely as well as they look at the lock to open.

Before the three could take another step, the floor beneath them rattled before suddenly opening up like a hungry beast, the three saw the flash of long sharp spikes beneath them before they suddenly died. The poor fools, couldn't even react or let a sound- died on the spot. The others saw them all fall and silently heard the movement of the floor trap come back and look like nothing was there. The males gulped but didn't waver. they all throw lots of grenades at the porch and the sides of the house, almost all explode at the same time and the males were all at the safe distance.

What's this? only the outside was damaged! The house was still standing upright! Everyone felt that they suddenly felt dumb. Did someone sell them fake goods?

They felt so stupid and failed to notice the man casually camouflaging with the darkness. He doesn't know who or why would they send lowly scums to threaten and kill him but he is very disappointed at the scene. He shook his head and turn around to go back to his secret door when he felt a cold nuzzle pressed hard against his forehead.

He Míng blinked and was bewildered in his heart, are those pests just baits and this Master in front of him will finish the job? He Míng's eyesight has always been good, don't know why, but he can't see the other person's face in the dark, it seems blurred, distorted... but he knows the other person is alive and waiting to kill him. He waited patiently, nothing. He Míng frowned, what are we doing? playing statues? are you three?

Before he could react and kill the other person, he felt a vicious piercing glare from above, it was so fierce, that He Míng almost believe it was a ghost at one second as his heart thumped unsteadily in his chest, he looks up and came face to face with a distorted monster-like figure. For the first time, something made him surprised, but before he could do anything else, his eyesight turns black and he felt the gravity pulling his body down fast and hard- like he was plummeting down.