
{Warning: Violence and sexual content ahead in the chapters}

It was midnight, the streets of K city was starting to get silent and less crowded. The road was dim and fewer lamp posts were standing erect from the streets outside the red district. Three friends were all goofing around while waiting outside the brothel to wait for their drivers to come and pick them up. One of them took out a packet of cigarettes and used one before passing it to the rest of his friends.

"Nothing's better than smoking after a good fuck, hahaha!"- Lance said and puffed the smoke from his nostrils. He is the son of the Xue family who runs the telecommunication industry and one of the top five richest families in K City.

"Where are those drivers? I want a good bath already, those whores' perfume are too stinky!"- Hans gritted his teeth together while lighting up his cigarette. He is the second son of the Jackson family that runs a perfume manufacturing plantation.

"Chill man, I already texted them and they're on their way."- Christian told them and as he put his phone back in his back pocket and lit his cigarette. He is the only son of the Wang Family that is one of the top five wealthiest families in K City, his family is in line with the commercial industry that is at the heart of K city.

"By the way, That Furukawa dude, when did he get the Ling guy's backing?"- Hans asked as he looked at his friends. They both look at each other before shrugging.

"It doesn't really matter, isn't that Ling Wǔshì just a small slut and pushover? Just wave your money and your dick and he'll be begging for it like a dog."- Lan said and chuckled. Christian nodded and agreed to Lan's words.

"So what if he is an heir of one of the wealthiest families in K city? If he acts like a man-slut then those power and money is nothing but a price tag for him."- He said and fist-bumped with Lan while they both laugh together.

"Back to the topic, that Furukawa is already reduced to a lowly beggar, I wonder if he just wants to suck up to Ling Wǔshì to grab the money or something? We do have a lot of quirks as we are from rich families."- Hans said and looked at the night sky.

The temperature in the city is starting to drop as it is the mid-autumn season. They decided to unload their stress in the red district without their family's knowledge. While the three were immersed in their own conversation, three black cars drove and stopped at the side of the road- it was their chauffeurs, they bid farewell to each other before going inside the cars and leaving the red district.

Hans has been feeling exceptionally giddy and nervous, but he doesn't know why. He felt drowsy all of a sudden while they were on the road, and soon, he was fast asleep after a few minutes. The driver of the car with Hans looked back from the mirror before giving a phonecall. He chucked away his hat, and stuffy black suit, showing his white polo shirt and a black necktie. His blonde hair was slightly wet from sweat.

"Hey, are the targets already knocked out? Good. We'll proceed to phase 2 and meet at the port."- He ended the call before sighing in relief, Just after 3 minutes, the Revenge system came back to He Míng's side and reported.

[Fox: I already hacked into their phones and texted their parents with an excuse for not coming home for a week, just like you ordered Host.]

"Good, now, let's teach our bullies to be a proper villain. After all, an act of grand revenge is never sweet without slapping faces, killing their pride, and make them lose face."- He Míng smiled before he continues to drive towards the port. He bought a warehouse there, plans to put it in to use as a training ground for mentoring proper villains.

After three hours, The stage was set with He Míng and his five bulky bodyguards. He ordered them to wake up the three friends with a cold start. Three bodyguards held a bucket of water and dumped it down, above their heads. They all woke up with a curse, shaking off the cold water dripping from their faces.

"Huh? Hans? Christian?"- Lan was the first to speak and looked at his and his friend's current predicament. They were all tied up in an old rusty metal chair with rough ropes tying their hands and feet in a tight bound. Lan immediately looks around and found that they were inside an old warehouse. What is this? Kidnapping? While his mind is going highwire, he saw a familiar face from their captors.

"Ling Wǔshì!"- He shouted in shock and bewilderment. Why is this man-slut here? Hans and Christian were also surprised and confused. Why are they in this current situation right now?

"Oh, so you're all finally clear-minded, That is good. Let's skip the introduction since we're all familiar with each other, okay?"- Ling Wǔshì told them with a light tone on his voice as a bodyguard gave him a round chair to sit on, compared to their rusty seats, Ling Wǔshì's seat is obviously newly bought! Such discrimination! He played a video for the three of them to see.

"So, you decided to take on the path to villainy, however, that daylight robbing and obvious act of bullying is a no-no. So for the three of you to be my obedient villains, I'll have to tame and train you all like a beast."- Ling Wǔshì smiled at them that doesn't look like a smile. The three were left in a daze. They know that Ling Wǔshì doesn't have an average looking face since he is an heir of the Ling's- who was well-known as beauties that can destroy a nation, be it a boy or a girl in gender. However, seeing him up close like this, they didn't and cannot even process his words while looking at his very appealing face. Every word he said was like gibberish that goes through one ear and left the other. The three friends have one hobby in common: seeking beauty. Since childhood, no matter if it's a thing or a human, as long as it's pretty, they will do whatever it takes to make it their possession. It was only a dark secret that their families share.

"I don't think you all understood my words right now, and I'm not the type of person who will repeat myself to fools. Let's start the process, shall we?"- Ling Wǔshì said and stood up from the chair, the three were dragged to a small office located on the second floor of the warehouse by the five bodyguards. When they were set in the middle of the room, the three all visibly shivered. The room was painted in crimson red and the lightings were orange bulbs, large planks forming an X could be seen on the wall and there is a long white table filled with a different kind of sex and BDSM toys. Aside from those, there was a king-sized love bed in the conjunction room and one large flatscreen television.

One of the bodyguards sets a walkie-talkie on the long white table while the five bodyguards were lined up on the wall next to the only door in and out of the room. The walkie-talkie sounded- It was Ling Wǔshì.

"I hope you like your new hotel room that you'll stay in for a whole week~ be good and watch on the television provided okay? Being a man-slut and a villain won't be that hard, especially with people who are experienced just like you three." He said and the device went silent. One of the bodyguard's phone made a sound from a notification and he read the message first before passing it to the rest. Lan, Hans, and Christian all have an inkling of what could happen inside this room and were terrified already. How did they provoke Ling Wǔshì to get this kind of punishment?! What exactly did they do? Could they escape this room successfully? even if they do, what will happen to them?

"The Young Master has given us his orders."- The three flinched and looked at the bodyguards who stood in front of them. Their eyes were hidden from the black sunglasses and their bulky bodies made the three petite teenagers shiver in fear.

"We are task to polish your skills... to be a successful villain and man-sluts. He also said to take breaks in between but make sure the lessons are integrated into your brains. In this room, we are the supervisors and you three are the dogs. You're not humans, only animals in heat and ready for extreme killings."- The bodyguard said and motioned to the three of his members to strip the three from their clothes.

"H-Hey! I don't want this! Get off me! This is immoral!"- Christian shouted as he tried to struggle and kick the bodyguards from touching his body. Hans and Lan were the same but with these five bulky men holding them in captivity, what else can they do than struggle with futile results?

"Since you're all disobedient, lock them unto the spreaders! be careful of the skin, the Young Master said they are too tender."- The one who keeps ordering the other guards said and he watched as the three struggling males were strapped in tight unto the large planks. Hans, Lan, and Christian all frowned at this. What too tender? Is Ling Wǔshì insulting them or trying to mock them?!

The bodyguard turns on the flatscreen television and lets them all watch a horrible gore that no human being could stomach to watch. Just like that, after thirty minutes, they were all a puking mess. The guards did not pause the video while they were wiping away the puke from their bodies. After one video ended. The three were tired with tears and snot running down their faces.

"Make them drink water, the next video will be incorporated with something sensual, this will help you three "stomach" the gore."- The bodyguard said, and task three bodyguards to use the large plugs to their buttholes and jerk the three off while watching the gore.

It was only about an hour, how will the three friends survive the course?


Back in K City University, Ling Wǔshì could be seen walking and interacting with Takeru Furukawa and the rest of the Student Council. Everyone became wary of provoking Ling Wǔshì after the incident inside the cafeteria. Not only that all people involved were given a warning, but they also have to face the shame and anger that their parents met when they were called by the Headmaster of the university.

"Everyone seems to behave so well,"- Takeru cannot help but say out loud. Although he knew that Marie and Leo did the rest of the "keeping the peace" thing, he didn't know that it would be on a higher scale. Ling Wǔshì only looked at him before looking at the crowd who was secretly looking at them while they walk in the hallway. They all flinched and give a nod as a greeting before scampering away.

"Guess so."- Ling Wǔshì said as they made their way to the Library. Ling Wǔshì is preparing to set the next stage for Takeru Furukawa.