
Gao Lifen was at the garden of the K-City University, just outside the Art Department building. Her boyfriend, Zheng Jie, trapped himself in one of the Art studios of the building that they paid for, all for the sake of painting his 'Moon Fairy Goddess'. It was ridiculous, and that guy didn't even reconcile with her first. Remembering that night, she was in rage again.

'Lifen! I met a Moon fairy goddess! She commissions me to paint her for a million dollars! That's huge money! I have to do this commission fast!' and after he said those words, he left like the wind, and never did he went out of that locked studio.

"That damn bastard! It's not the money that excited him! It's the beauty! I am sure of it! Argh!"- Gao Lifen gritted her teeth in anger as she practices her strokes alone in the garden. She cannot focus at all, the emotions inside of her were like a tidal wave, surging and threatening to tip over and gush out like a dam.