
He Ming has been feeling disturbed for a long while now. Erica and her small group of soldiers marched towards the Starlight Kingdom with little rest in between. Everyone didn't have any banters, or disapproval with the pace of the march. However, these were not the reason why He Ming feel disturbed...

"Hey~ Notice me blondie~"

"Why are you turning a blind eye on me? I'm on your right side!"

"Hey! Hey! I know you can hear me, Why don't you speak with me?"

'It's that annoying and childish voice you have!' He Ming gritted his teeth and gripped on the reigns of his horse in a tight grip. He didn't mean to get this ghost's attention from that certain time, but he cannot turn back time! This annoying ghost attached to him like a moth to a fire- and he's not liking any of it.

"Hey blondie, I think I know that girl in the carriage, but are you so close on the carriage? You'll bump and die, you know?" The Ghost said circling around him.