
The night ended quietly and the sun started to rise into the horizon, the soldiers all started to wake up and prepare to continue the march after folding the tents and eating their morning meals.

He Ming was woken up not by himself, but from some pair of lecherous hands trying to grope his chest. With furrowed brows, he opened his eyes and stared fiercely at the other person.

It the male lead inside the Duke's body- Prince Leone.

"Just because you already have a body and could be backed up with the Saint, doesn't mean you can freely touch me without consent, Scum!" With a powerful kick, Prince Leone was thrown outside of his tent that was witnessed by the other soldiers.

The Saint who prepared to looked pretty and holy in front of her prince, was shocked when she saw the Prince lying down on the dirty ground!

"Prince! Whatever happened to you?" The Saint speed walk towards him and held his shoulders to support him to stand up,