
He Ming was caught by surprise from the system's notification, but unlike before, he didn't fidget and was just feeling a little unsettled.

[Revenge System: Don't worry, she will just interrogate you and try to look at the bigger picture]

"Like some hypocrite who has nothing to do with the past but still tries to meddle." He Ming shook his head before he lay down on the bed.

[Revenge System: Yes that's it! Keep at it, Host, you will be back in your cynical attitude in no time!] The system landed next to his head and smiled like some kind of pet that got its treats.

"Who are you calling cynical huh? Do you really want me to slash you into two?" He Ming glared at the system who only snickered and hovered upon his face again.

[Revenge System: Oh shush you and just go and sleep. Prepare yourself for the Saint's interrogation and get the broken core inside that thing.] The System said before it went back to its space.