3.11 Hot Night

[Surprise Attack! You have to be surprised, reader! You have to!]

He Ming was following Kim Chayeon back to their hotel, and couldn't help but laugh hard when they got inside the elevator lift.

"Pwahahaha! Chayeon-ah, aren't you being too possessive earlier? Pfft, the look on that girl's face, Hahaha! To think that jealousy will rile you up and perceive the females as your enemy? this is just too hilarious for me, Ahahaha!" He Ming was holding his stomach while he was in a fit of laughter. Kim Chayeon was looking at his hunched body with a serious look on his face. When He Ming caught his breath, they were already on their floor. Kim Chayeon tugged him close to his body as soon as he closed and locked their door from the inside.

He Ming looked straight into his eyes and found him staring, at his lips. He lightly pinched his cheek to get his attention back to his eyes.