3.26 Doubts and Craziness pt. 2

When the door closed, He let go of the blanket before he went closer to the door, locking it before he looked around the inconspicuous sides of the room where he found five spy cameras. He gritted his teeth in anger, he was inside of this room for many months, and yet he never was aware of these spy cameras that were always watching his every move?! Unbelievable!

He got rid of those before he went inside the bathroom and also looked for any hidden spy cameras and found none, at least that guy was decent enough to not monitor him using the bathroom. He opened the tap and washed his face with cold water, which made him more awake from his earlier state.

In the game, he kept experimenting with the shock he experienced in the game when he was thinking of his name He Ming. However, when he was thinking of outside of the game, he was perfectly fine, maybe a bit slow because his setting of the sensory receptors was maxed out.