
He Ming rubbed his face with both of his hands before asking the revenge system,

"Do you have any leads of where could that bug go?" He asked, hoping that the system have the answer and the way to get rid of the bugs in this current world, but he was met with silence, He Ming felt dread crawl up from his guts as he peeked at the nervous system.

[Revenge System: It was odd, I cannot sense it at all! As if it suddenly vanished in this current world, however, its absence was not natural! Host! It's really weird!] The nervous system said to He Ming with a worried look on its face.

He Ming couldn't help but curse as he looked back to the smartphone where the sudden turn of events in the competition was getting stranger as minutes passed by, Master HE was getting beaten to a pulp while J was trying to go berserk or something, at the same time the audiences were starting to turn quiet and stare at the stage in shock.