
He Ming was staring at the anxious face of Ming Hakyeon. He knows that something was suspicious, and there's something that this guy was hiding from him. He walked towards him in fast and long strides, not waiting for Ming Hakeyeon to have a chance to run away. He gripped on his collar and pulled him closer to his face, his gaze was menacing.

"Ming Hakyeon, I will ask you one more time, what did you do to Kim Chayeon?" He Ming's tone was dark and stoic, anyone who was present there could feel the menacing and negative energy that He Ming was giving off, making Ming Hakyeon a bit scared out of his wits.

"T-That, H-He was... H-He was-"

"Get a grip on yourself! If Kim Chayeon dies, I will put the blame on you!" He Ming shouted as he hooked him back to his rationality with an angry gaze.

"Where is he? Answer me already!" He Ming threw a fit because of how useless Ming Hakyeon was at the moment until he heard an answer that he never wanted to hear.