
When He Ming opened his eyes, he noticed that he seemed to be inside a large human capsule with an interior of white and exterior gray. He looked outside the capsule through the glass and found that it was a deserted lab. He Ming was cautious and asked the system if there's a virus lingering outside. Lo and behold- he was right!

[Revenge System: I cannot identify the virus but, it does not spread through air- Hang on a bit Host, let me get a sample first before talking to you,] The system said and He Ming watched the fox's body go out of his peripheral vision.

After a few minutes, the system went back and couldn't help but look at the host with a resigned expression.

'Why did you just sleep while waiting? Oh, come on Host! This is your job, not mine!'

[Revenge System: Hey Host, the Virus is not here, not even a trace, get out of there and review the plot of this world, as well as your identity here,] After that, the system disappeared to hurry the Host to work.