
It was 00:00, The group of ten males was resting inside a building next to He Ming's hideout. They were confident that inside their shield, nothing bad could happen.

He Ming crept closer to their location. He looked at the camouflaged state of the shield and a smile crept unto his lips. He started to move around in the dark with the help of the system and started to set up the stage for the massacre of these people and lured the enemies toward his targets.

At 00:10, There were footsteps and guttural noises that started to sound closer and closer. One of the guards was woken up by the noises and opened his eyes to look through the dim environment, only to find a hideous and decaying face of a zombie against the shield.

He flinched and screamed in surprise as he scurry away from his current location, alerting the others and telling them about the same gore-like scenery outside the shield.