The bond between my dad and his friends was strong. In fact, strong is an understatement. Their bond was powerful and unbreakable, up to now, I've never seen friendships like that one. Not that I've seen any other friendship besides that one

Unfortunately much, not all that glitters is gold. My dad, Mr. Parker, Ms. Walton, Mr. Kenton and Mr. Greene were not only friends; they were also business associates. They were stuck together. Everything they did, they did it together.

Well that was until my dad fell in love with my mom. Love broke them.

Everything was A-Okay before dad married mom and had me. They were all a group of eligible bachelors and a gorgeous spinster. They didn't have responsibilities, if not spend wisely and invest in knowledge.

Anyway, with time, good things do come to an end. So did their friendship.

After collecting all pieces of exactly what might have happened_ I've drawn a few conclusions.

I take it that after Dad informed his mates that he was getting married, they went ape and told him not to think about it. But because of his persistence, Dad was persistent, he ended up making them see that marriage wouldn't change their relationship. He talked them into accepting mom and loving her as though she was one of them. It didn't work, apparently.

All appeared to go as planned; consequently, they were their happy selves once again.

Until jealousy and greed crouched on Mr. Parker's and Ms. Walton's door.

Owing to their envy, they talked the other two into plotting against dad.

When they were in college, they'd drawn up a contract.

A contract that would make all of them wealthy if anyone of them died.

If any of them died, it was agreed that all of his/her assets would be divided amongst them equally, provided the others didn't have a hand in his or her demise. That too would be done with the liabilities

So Parker's concern had to be my mom and dad not having different bank accounts but at the same time living under the same roof. He found it unfair on their account because neither of them had life partners or at least heirs. And by that time I was born. I'd been there for half-a-decade.

Greene and Kenton couldn't help but agree with him. They found it unfair that Dad had an heir whom they'd have to share all his assets with.

All of them plotted against mom, dad and I. Because if they killed my parents and didn't do the same with me, they would meet quite a number of hiccups. No matter what they did, they couldn't erase the fact that I was the rightful heir to my parents' wealth.

Dad, however, had his own suspicions. He'd taken into account how distant they'd been for a while and his instinct told him something was_ fishy.

He didn't let his skepticism go untamed. Therefore, he trained me.

He trained me in different kinds of ways. And before he was sure that his mission to train me was a success, they attacked. He didn't even get a chance to defend himself.

Before dying, Dad had divided his assets and treasured most of them for me.

"I will not die a fool, Merida," he used to say. Though, I didn't understand him then.

"Act like a fool to fool the fool that thinks they're fooling you, Merida" he would always lecture "I'm not a fool. Neither are you."

My dad was an intelligent man' still is. Even dead, he still comes to my rescue when I need him.

He was awesome, so was Mom. But I wasn't as close to her as I was with Dad, nonetheless, I adored her.

She was a gentle soul: kind, loving, caring and pure in heart. I, on the other hand am the complete opposite_ one of the reasons we weren't that close.

They succeeded in murdering Mom and Dad, obviously. However, they couldn't access all of Dad's assets; consequently, they decided to part ways and never keep in contact_ even if one of them died. They wanted to spare themselves of being 'cheated' again. They terminated the contract and probably created a new one.

Time will tell if they did.

Too bad my parents weren't alive to savor the benefits of their newly found intelligence.

All the friends spread across the globe, to make sure that under no circumstances would they be on each other's paths again. Consequently, they all started afresh.

So my aunt, Sarah was supposed to raise me. And in the process she fed me lies.

Sick lies. She said that my parents abandoned me because I was odious.

I tolerated her for a good nine years. But once I hit my shit-tolerance point…

You all know what happened to her.

I'm a good torturer, trust me. A tickling torturer. I don't like it when people cry. Crying people remind me of Mom on the day she and Dad met their fate.

And I don't like being a monster_ I'm not one.

I like being a traitor, just like them.

That's why I've become Judas in mine and their bible_ they're Jesus. Not the sweet, holy Jesus, though_ they're the sick, greedy, deluded and unholy Jesus who never got his own book because no one had the audacity to tell his tale.

I'm their worst nightmare, dressed like a daydream.

And soon, very soon, I'll strike.

I'm always. I mean ALWAYS a step ahead of everyone. They won't know what hit them.

I'm staring back at the screen of my laptop. I just bought an apartment in London, that's where Mr. Kenton is. I've been in California for one good month; its high-time I left.

The Greenes only have a few hours left.

A voice calls from downstairs:

"Merida, remember kids will be coming home early from school today" Helen quickly reminds me before she closes the door behind her back and starts walking out of the house.

She is dressed in a strapless, purple-coloured dress. That hugs her tiny curves impeccably and pronounces her already long legs even more.

Quite good for a last impression I suppose. She's going out on a date with Josh, it's they're tenth anniversary. They won't be back until late. Gives me all the time and space I need.

It'll be their last dinner so I thought it would be nicer if they ate out tonight. So yes, I suggested that they eat out.

Coincidentally, today also happens to be Scott's birthday and their school Principal is letting both of them to knock off earlier today

That gives us enough time to play a game…

It is noon already and it should be here any minute now.

The doorbell rings. I can only hope that it's not them yet. I make my way to the door just to be met by a note on the door mat.

It reads:

'It is here. Just where you said it must be delivered, sir.'

So far so good.

I quickly prepared fish and chips, along with a fruit cocktail for the kids after packing up my laptop and checking once again if all the clothes had been replaced.

After 30 minutes of cooking, I decide to take a shower and change into something clean and comfortable for departure i.e. sweatpants, sneakers and a hoodie.

And not too long after I've had a change of clothes, the brats knock loudly on the door and I attend them to it.

It's time…

"Look who's here!" I zealously exclaim, feigning my enthusiasm, after opening the door.

They both give me an excited glare and rush inside.

Once they are through with their assignments and have eaten the fruit cocktail I prepared earlier on, I suggested that we play a game.

"Which?" Jade exasperatedly questioned, making no effort of hiding the scowl on her face.

"How about we tickle each other? We'll take turns." I said, with a little over-excited tone

"Sounds like fun" Scott joined our conversation, obviously liking my idea.

"What do you say Jade?" We then asked her, our eyes full of hope.

"Fine!" Finally she gave in and rolled her eyes.

We set rules and decide that since I'm older, it would only be fair if they teamed up and I go solo. So basically, I'm the one who gets to be tickled first. Hence I'm all tied up.

We decided to use Jade's bedroom.

They have to tickle me until I surrender and if 30 minutes pass without me surrendering, I win, but if I surrender, they win. Same thing applies in their case.

I forgot to mention that I'm not ticklish.

I used to be ticklish when I was younger, it was one of me few weaknesses.

I've grown out of it, however.

They tried tickling me all they could. Their efforts were all in vain though…

I won. I always win.

"It's not fair, Merida it's two against one but you still won" Scott grunted.

Life's not fair_ it's nothing new.

"Just the perks of being me." I bragged, with no intention of hiding my amusement.

I tie each one of them to different ends of the loveseat in Jade's room. The ropes are tight enough on both of them.

Politely, I excuse myself, feigning my need to see Jon. I quickly lock the whole house up; turn some music on and return to the brats.

I have to cover all my tracks, unfortunately.

As soon as I return to Jade's room, I discover their unease and they keep on exchanging weird glances and letting their gazes fall on me constantly.

Nice_ they sense the trouble already, it's a pity that they decided to shrug it off though… if only they knew.

Now that I'm calling the shots, I lower my tall frame to their seated frames.

The game shall begin.

Before commencing I ask them, one more time, if they are ready and the idiots nod with complete enthusiasm.

My lips are pulled up in a slight smirk. Good.

I make my way to Scott. I know he's the weaker one and of course he's dumber. He'll be the first one who's graced with my vengeance.

As soon as I get to him, I kneel down and gently take his shoes off. He seems to be excited. Stupid kid.

I start with tickling his toes. While he, on the other hand is trying to contain his laughter.

I let my fingers work interchangeably, like antagonistic muscles, on his little feet.

My fingers' speed increases, exponentially, as I move from his feet to his legs_ and so does my magic.

He lets out a sniffle. Good.

As the tickling gets intense, he fails to contain his laughter.

I must say though, the kid has a hilarious laughter.

"Hahahahahah wait! Stop! Hihihihihihhi! Me_rida! You win! Hahahahahaha! I quit! HAHAHAHA." He lets out between giggles.

"Don't be such a buzzkill, Scott. We're having lots of fun now aren't we?

I release and evil laughter and continue:

"It was this fun when your dad killed mine. It was fun"

Jade's eyes go wide as the curtain falls.

I leave Scott's side and search for a sock in the drawers of Jade's messy room.

Aha! Here's one.

I quickly stuff Jade's wide mouth with it and she chokes on her own saliva until she becomes stable.

Going back to Scott's side, I realize he's stopped laughing and his facial expression is clouded by worry and dismay.

"My dad's a good guy, Merida. He didn't kill your dad. You're just crazy and cruel," He pouts while a tear falls down his cheek.

"It's a pity that you had to die dumb kid. I would've really loved to give you a tour around the world a little, you know. Let you see the world in all its million shades_ not that you understand a single word falling from my lips right now. But under my guidance you would. It's a pity you're Greene's kid, though, because I'm bound to break you just like he broke me."

He continues to sob.

"Now tell me Scotty-Boy, any last words? I'll make sure that mommy gets to know what they were before I kill her too."

"Stay away from my mom, you Meany" he cries out.

"If you say so…" I let him be.

It has come to my attention that over the past few minutes, Jade has become eerily silent. I can only hope that whatever plan she's cooking up won't force me to commit her suicide.

I start tickling Scott, this time not gently. Nevertheless, he still laughs. And his laughter is_ music to my ears.

Before it lasts too long, his laughter starts getting cut by his wail; soon enough they start interchanging_ just like antagonistic muscles_ bringing about the same effect, torture.

He quickly starts to pale up and his wrestling against the rope gets infrequent. Until he finally stops moving and I know that the deed is done.

A victorious smile forms on my lips as my gaze falls on Jade.

Once our eyes meet she starts shaking her head and letting tears fall gently from her eyes.

"Come on Jade, don't be a pussy. You'll have fun_ tremendous fun. But here's my advice: enjoy it while it lasts." I mock and immediately start working my magic on her. Her torture didn't last as long as Scott's.

All thanks to her asthma. Wherever she is, she should be grateful, I just saved her life by sparring her all the pain she'd go through in her miserable life.

Now, it's time for the big dogs. Sweet!

I check the clock and it reads 3:23 p.m.

In exactly thirteen minutes, the scheduled email will make it to Josh's address.

I clean myself up a bit and dial Helen's number.

"Hi Helen"

Saying that always reminds me of all Chemistry classes that I've never attended. It would make an awesome poem out of the first two elements, I tell you. Even twenty could be made out, if we applied more effort. Too bad I had to attend Chemistry class by myself with myself_ I never got to make poems.

"Hey Merida, how can I help you?" She curiously questions me.

"I was just wondering if you and Josh are done."

"Yes, you could say that. Josh just got an urgent email that needs him to go to the office immediately," Good "so I think we're done, why?"

"I'm going to have to ruin the surprise now, but the kids and I had prepared something for you alone and something for the both of you, so we want you to get here before he does if it's possible."

"What do you guys have planned out?"

"Well_ Helen, it's for us to know and for you to find out."

"I definitely wouldn't miss out on that." She shrieks excitedly. Poor fool 'I'm on my way." She hangs up.

This couldn't get any better.

After a few minutes, the doorbell rings. Watch the space.