Chapter one : Nerd

Chapter one : Nerd

Alexis POV


"Oh ugh" I turned off my alarm clock

I looked at my alarm clock and check to see that is 7.20am

Oh no I can't be late at school

I have to be a school at 8.00am

Walking to shower and wash all my body

When I finish at shower

I went to my closest as picked out clothes

Put them on

I went to downstairs and walking to kitchen

I sit down for my breakfast and I heard lots footsteps oh gosh

My siblings entered in the kitchen and "what you doing? Oh you look pig eater " he said

"Oh yeah, you looks stupid fat" she said

"I can't believe you nerd bitch" said

My twin brother Daxton and oldest sisters Clara and Evie hate me and beat me lots because our parents didn't come home and they didn't care about me and they always business company in travels.

Finish my breakfast and put in the sink

I went to bathroom and brush my teeth

I grab my backpack and walked to school

My house nearby 10 minutes to school (Winterville high school)

I hear car and "Bitches" Daxton yell said and left

I hate my life and family

I reached School and went inside

I walked towards my locker and got the book

Oh I'm Alex Parker and im nerd and manwhore is my twin brother Daxton sex with girls lots. I didn't care

"Move out the way nerd" student said and they pushed me on lockers

My head down and ignore all of the words I hear students say. " nerd", "ugly", "fat" and "go die"

Stomping of heels on way at head m way oh shit

"Hi Nerdy"

Emily Channing is Queen of slut in who's sex in all boys and she chated at her boyfriend Ash Brady

"What are you looking at you trash"

"Nothing " I mumbled

Scoffs minions

I looked up at my ex best friends Elsie and molly who betrayed and bullies me in 2 years

"Nerdy see you soon" emily said and smirks and they're left


I walked into the class and ms. Baker greeted me

I got my seat as middle back in class and started to listen at class lessons

Someone throw Paper ball at my head

"I got it nerd" someone said and laughing

I turned around to Ash Brady and my twin brother Daxton to slow mouth at me

"Lets go Die nerd" Daxton said

I turned back and continued listening class and ignore them

Hours then the bell finally rang.

I walked out of the class.