Chapter Three : I'm back Bitches

Since I was the fat Nerdy girl

I got to run away from my hometown, family and bullies

Now I changed as badness in lost weight and six abs sexy

Moved to uncle John in London

Joined in a gang called the Destroyer shadow well actually the gang leader

My uncle John former gangster leader is an amazing man and got stepsons to name Rocco, Ryder and Blade.

John and boys help me to street fight, assassin and learn to guns

I changed a lot and no more weak longer.

Now Uncle John is retired as gangster leader and spends with his wife Sasha lots

He gives me as gangster leader

Now my gang is the most dangerous wanted in London

In my Rocco, Ryder, Blade, Jax, Neo, Hallie, Lola, Jasmine, Blaine and Hunter

I'm coming back to my hometown because my horrible parents want me to back for my senior year

Oh jeez wait you think I live with horrible family no fucking way

I don't want to live with them

My plan to live with my gangs in a big mansion

Oh I did at our house already arranged for months ago and I'm going back home soon

Smirks and now all I wanted to my revenge

"Guys, we're going to my hometown in California on tomorrow and don't late at we're leave in the morning got it"

"Yes Lexi" guys say

" dismissed," I said and went to upstairs at my room

I packed all my stuff in three big suitcases.

I went to change Pj, in bed and went to sleep.

~On morning ~


I get up to soft bed after went to shower, I look to my closest

I chose to my outfit

I was going to wear and make my hair and I put a little on make up

Oh perfect for me and done

When I go downstairs and I can hear my gangs in kitchen

I went to the kitchen and "good morning guys"

"Good morning leader lexi " gangs say

I was eating my breakfast on the counter and I look to clock at ready to leave at 5 minutes

"Come on guys, we have 5 minute in leave"

Gangs went to take their suitcases and things to put in the trunk cars

Oh I sent workers to pick up the cars and motorcycles and sent them to the new house last weeks ago

We use gang cars in only stay


"COMING NOW" girls said at same time



"BABE! You can calm down my love" Rocco said

I and Rocco are dating relationship in 2 years.

Roll eyes at them and we're went in car and towards to the airport at our private jet to my hometown of California

~few 5 Hours later~

We're arrive at California and went to grabs to our suitcases and things

I and my gangs went to in cars towards our new house