chapter eight: Rose fashion company

*Alexis Pov*

20-minute later

Arrived at my company building

I Parked my Car, out of off and check to lock it as my Car

walked toward entry the company

I saw this woman looks familiar and went to over to the receptionist

Tsk I know this woman is Emily's and Zion's Oldest Sister Trixie

She's ' looks like Emily, she wearing a pink dress.

She was looked like a stripper and her face was piled with makeup

I snort at that she is a bitch as well.

*Cough of my throat*

Trixie looked up at me and her eyes coldly glare me and smirk.

"Oh, nerdy fatty, You look different now. Wow!" she says and scoffed at me

" Good to see you and glad to hear from you, Trixie," I said with annoying "

"Oh Why you are here now for. Nerdy ? " she says with Bitch tone

I was smirks at her "Oh you heard about New CEO coming today. So right" I said with duh tone

"Oh yes, he's hot, handsome CEO coming here, but I didn't think you're not working here because you look Nerdy weak now." She said.

*scoffs* "oh i know you are disappointed now" I said with duh tone.

Poor Trixie didn't know CEO is me

If she nasty tell me or she goes her jobs

My assistant told announce to everyone i was coming to I'm new CEO of Rose fashion company.

"Ah Trixie, your coworker told you announce meeting at CEO coming today."

Trixie scoffs "what you're talking about it? " Trixie said with Bitch tone.

My head shake at her and she's will fired soon

"Ok, i am late arrive, i didn't care. This pathetic bitch can just come here at work, you are not working here BITCH!" Trixie said

"Oh no you mistake for bully someone, im here for CEO" I said with duh tone

"What kind of jokes is think" she said with pissed tone

*Natalie chuckles* " Trixie you will lost get your job or drop this tone now" i said with cold voice

"Now get the out of here or I'll call the Security take you out ?!" She yell at me

"Please excuse me Trixie" i said with cold hearted

I grabbed phone of pocket, click to my assistant and she answered

"Hello" Vice assistant said

"Hello, please you can come down to the reception now. Thank you" I said

"Yes Miss Parker, im on way now" Vice assistant said

I hang up, put to in my pocket.

Trixie Scoffs at me "one no believe you bitch" she says and she's laughing.

"Oh you can wait to she's coming down at minutes soon"

*minutes later*

(Vice Assistant) Maddy looked angry and walked over at us

"What hell doing you Trixie!!!" Maddy yell at Trixie


"Tsk" "oh you did nasty things said to me ? I said with gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry CEO Parker, i will teach her so respect to you. Maddy said

Trixie's face drop as maddy mentioned

I...I didn't know you're CEO of this company?? Umm.. I'm sorry for nasty things word at you Trixie stutter

*Natalie chuckles *

"I hate nasty words on my back, i will call all company for i know them well except your father's or my parents company.

You're can't get jobs in bully someone

So mistakes in your life.

I'm CEO of Rose fashion company. I said in a cold voice

Trixie's face looks crying and scared

"Oh you're has been awful rude me to me. Trixie Channing you're Fired!!!" I said with cold hearted at her

I turn at maddy "Please call Security guards at escort lady out

She's not working longer here and not welcome here. And take away at Trixie's pstuffs Got it" i said

She was literally crying and screaming

"No please, please you can't do that!" Trixie said with heavy crying.

I was smirks at her and ignored Trixie

I walked to the elevator and look turn at my shoulder to Trixie

Two security guards take Trixie away and out

She's yell at me and teary eyed

I finally the elevator reached the top floor and went to turn around and walk over to my secretary's office, Danna walk out of her office and she notice me

"Hello miss Parker" she said with happy

"Hello Danna, how are you" i said with a smile at her.

Danna is older women of my uncle John's very closely friends. And she heard at my story, she's angry at hate my family. Danna's like mother care at me and she's feel own daughter as me.

"I'm doing well miss Parker, thank you ask for asking" Danna said.

She pat on my head like a mother and daughter

"Oh how are you doing this morning? She said

She smiled up at me and i nodded.

"Danna, I'm good well ma'am i said and softly chuckle at her

"Is there anything else today" i said with pout.

" Your favourite coffee and field some paperwork today and focusing on work, i will check you so i swear" danna said with fake angry

*Natalie chuckle at her and her head shake*

"Oh its now already on your desk" she says

"Yes ma'am and thank you, i go now. See you later" i said.

She says "you're welcome miss Parker" she went back to office.

I was approached to my office and went to sit my desk and saw the fils are already on my desk

I grab at my coffee and take a sip, switched my laptop on and got to work.

A bit hours

Intercom ring and i click it

"Miss Parker, your meeting are here is 11.30, ah your siblings here in reception she says through the intercom

*sighed* i know they're following me here

"Danna, show them to meeting room A please and call at Rocco at meet them" I said with gritted teeth.

"Yes ma'am she say and hang up.

Pushing away from my desk, stand up and leaving my office

Riding the elevator down to the 14th floor, step out when the door side open and make it at my way to into the meeting room.

I walked towards and went to sit down

"Well everyone, let's to work. Shall we?" I ask

They're all smiles and nodding.

"Let go work " i said with smile.