Chapter eleven : I didn't care my biological family

*Alexis POV *

1 hours 30 mins in meeting end

"Well done everyone, i like your work in ideas at project. But i accept that your project." I said with happy tone to everyone

Everyone sigh relieved and she chuckles at them

"But let's go to your lunch time and some break time in 20 min and go to work. Got it" i said and nod

"Thanks you boss and have a lunch too" everyone said

Alexis stand up and walked out of leave at meeting room

I thought what's they're want to now

I was approached to elevator to top foor and went to my office and open door

I saw Rocco there and he watch view of outside.

I close door and locked it

Rocco heard and his head turn at me

Rocco smiles at me and walked towards me

He grab my waist and cuddle me and kiss on my forehead.

I roll my eyes at him and he flirting me

"Rocco, what's they're want to now?" I said with sullen expression and my arms cross

Rocco's eyebrows raise at me

"They're worried at you and ask me where's your place live and what happened to you when you left. It is nothing say" he said with cold hearted

Alexis sighs and walked over at desk and sit on chair

"I don't care my biological family and they're did me to hurt my pride and my siblings bully me and nothing to help me and they're didn't care me like a nothing, but made me suffering in all years." I says with sarcasm

Alexis looks not happy and angry.

Rocco walked towards Alexis and reach gently caressing my cheek and kiss my lip.

"Don't worry, you have me, my family and gang did care for you. We love you much

But i told them my father adopted you as happy family. But My mum is happy and excited at have a daughter.

We're happy with you, okay babe" He said with smirks

"Fine" i say to Rocco and i was happy with them

Rocco reach rub at my rub and he chuckle

"Hey! I'm not dog" i said with cold hearted tone

Rocco held his up in surrender

"Let's go to lunch now, babe" he said with filthy tone

Alexis giggle at him and take her jacket and bag. Rocco unlock the door and open door

Alexis and rocco walked out of office and close the door

They went to dinner in lunch and chatting

Rocco went to home and Alexis went back to her work

7 hours 45 in work to finish work

Alexis sighs and stand up, grab bag and her jacket. Walked out of my office

I went to my secretary's office and knock door

"Come in" she said and went to enter her office

"Hello danna, i like to announce for go home early and oh please tell them thanks for hard work. But you must go home now, your children wait for you" i

Says to danna

Danna Smile at me and nodding

"Yes miss Parker, i will announce at them and thanks for your hard work. She said

Alexis nodding "Bye Danna" i says to Danna

"Goodbye miss Parker and care of yourself" she said with smile

Alexis walked out of office and towards to elevator to ground floor and out of company

She walked to towards at my car

Went to gang house, arrive at house, off of car and lock it and enter to inside house.

Went to find to where's my gang members



I enter in living room

"Hello everyone, time to meeting now.

We have school on next Monday at first day and match gang jacket

But go away from sluts and Jocks have PTSD sex and be careful at them or whatever u want to fight them no killing" i says with sarcasm to everyone.

Everyone's face gross at heard sluts and jock have STD sex "Yes leader and we will be careful" says at same time to Alexis

"Lets go bed now, wow I'm very tired"

Alexis went to upstairs and toward at her room

She went to change to Pj clothes and on bed

She heard knock knock "come in" i said

Rocco walked enter and his hand on bag for her favourite food in chicken wraps and he give her

Alexis smile At her boyfriend and she kiss his lip

"Oh my favourite food, thanks babe" i says to Rocco

His head shake at her and "you're welcome my baby" he said with flirting tone

She giggle at him and eating chicken wrap and chatting with Rocco later minutes

Recco went in her bed and Alexis went to bathroom at brush teeth.

While finish

She returned to her bed and cuddle with Rocco

"Good night babe" i says to rocco

Good night my baby" rocco says

Alexis's cheeks red and shy.

They're went to sleep now