Gone Were The Days

After a few seconds, a smile spread across her face, and her eyes were filled with excitement and joy.

"Liu wei!"

She faced the tall and suave man standing right in front of her. Although, he was dressed in an ordinary causal wear, he couldn't hide his aristo cratic temperament, strong jawline, beautiful face and that pair of deep phoenix like eyes.

"Lili" A familiar voice, deep and comforting greeted her. The sound stopped, tangled and died away.

In that instant, everything around them seemed to stop, including their heart beats.

At that moment, Xiao li's bodyguard showed up and gave a stern look, "Who are you? Do you want to hit young miss?"

Xiao li finally reacted when she saw that her bodyguard was angry, she immediately said, "He is a friend. He won't hurt me"

A friend?

That word sounded odd in her own ears. She couldn't believe that she called him her friend.

"Let's grab some coffee at the shop over there"
