Ai Bao

Xiao li had already had her bath and laid on the bed without waiting for Jingyi Wang. Earlier, Jingyi Wang went to the balcony to answer a phone call. When he came back, his expression was gloomy and serious.

The moment he raised his head, he saw that Xiao li on the bed, already asleep. The seriousness on his face was gone and was replaced by a goofy expression.

His eyes twinkled with affection as he laid his eyes on her.

He walked over and sat on the bed. The figure on the bed didn't make a movement and he could hear Xiao li's deep breaths.

He lifted up the blanket, laid down and felt that this woman's breathing got a little deeper. He stretched out his long arms and rolled this woman right into his embrace.

The moment Xiao li was rolled into his embrace, her body stiffened up. Xiao li could not move at all. Above her head, she could feel the breathing of this man. She felt the warmth of the hand that was on her waist.