Why Do You Have To Lock The Door To Eat?

The next day, after breakfast, Jingyi Wang had a sweet smile on his lips as he pulled Xiao li into his arms and hugged her tightly.

Xiao li felt that he was about to squeeze her into his body. She tapped his shoulder and said, "Ah Jin, you are going to be late for work"

Jingyi Wang didn't respond, instead, he continued to hug her tightly. After a while, he pulled away from her and wiggled his eyebrow at her.

Xiao li saw this and smiled.

At that moment, Jingyi Wang suddenly remembered something. He looked at her and grinned, "You forgot something very important"


Jingyi Wang pointed at his lips and leaned forward. This made Xiao li take a step backwards and frowned.

Seeing this, Jingyi Wang's face darkened and his body exuded a cold air.

He groaned, "Xiao li..."