Unkind Speculation

With that realisation, the group of the reporters suddenly surged towards her in hopes of getting to her ahead of others. When she saw the horde of reporters rushing towards her with their big and small equipment, the expression on her face changed and she subconsciously took a stumbling step back.

Upon seeing this, a bodyguard stood protectively in front of her and blocked the reporters from approaching.

The guards sent by Jingyi Wang were highly skilled. With their competent training, they easily held off the paparazzi. In fact, just a few of them standing there menacingly with their hulking figures and deadly expression was enough to keep the reporters at bay.

They did not dare to approach.

In a car few meters away, the man in the car raised his head to see that the reporters and fans had flee. He followed them with his gaze and saw them chase after a sweet looking girl with their cameras.