When Will You Learn To Be Smart?

Xiao li could smell a delicious scent in the air as she walked down the stairs. She greeted the servants and she made her way towards the kitchen. She heard the sizzling sounds coming from the kitchen and walked in with hushed footsteps.

Her eyes lit up with surprise when she saw the tall and straight slender figure. With a spatula in his hand, he occasionally flipped the steak in the pot to warm it up.

The sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up, showing off his muscular, fair and spotless arms. His hair was slightly messy due to the heat from the pot which made his hair somehow stick to his sweaty face.

At that moment, Xiao li had the urge to go help him wife the sweat, but she stood rooted to the ground like a statue as her legs couldn't move. She stared dazedly at the handsome figure.

Perhaps, it was because Xiao li's gaze was too sharp, Jingyi Wang noticed it and turned his head towards her direction.

Their eyes met.