Their Agonizing Cries

At dawn, there was a sound of approaching footsteps in the dark and damp underground room. Xiao li opened her eyes groggily. In her hazy vision, she saw a few trained men in front of the iron cell.

In their hands were loaded guns.

Upon seeing this, Xiao li became scared. Although, she didn't show it. "What... What do you guys want?"

Her gaze stared daggers at the man who opened the iron gate. The moment the gate was opened, all the men pointed their loaded weapons at Xiao li, ready to attack to any moment.

"What do you want?" Xiao li asked again.

"Obey our commands and we won't do anything to you"

Xiao li wondered what was happening.

When the men saw that she was not ready to listen to them, one of them said coldly, "Stop this nonsense and follow us. You had better behave"

Xiao li slowly stood up and casted a wary glance at them.

"Hurry up and move! Don't delay!"