It Skipped My Mind

When Jingyi Wang got back home from work, he told a servant to get the supplements he bought on his way here for Xiao li. He walked upstairs into the bedroom immediately and saw Xiao li playing with her phone. He walked towards her and grabbed it, locked it and kept it in his pant pocket.

Xiao li raised her head and her gaze landed on Jingyi Wang's face. His eyebrows were furrowed tightly and his lips were tightly pursed.

"Ah Jin-"

"Stop using your phone all the time. It's gonna affect the baby" Jingyi Wang said sternly and turned around to change his clothes.

Upon hearing him, Xiao li immediately closed her mouth and pouted her lips. "Yes sir"

When she saw him removing his clothes, she stood up and walked towards him, reaching out to help him pull his clothes.

"Had your bath yet?" he asked her, turning his head to the side to look at her.

"Yes, before you arrived"