An Emergency

As time passed, the sun set outside and the sky gradually darkened. Jingyi Wang had still not appeared and his cell phone was still turned off. After dinner, Xiao li could not hold herself anymore and she called Zhi Ruo to help herself calm down.

She knew Jingyi Wang probably wasn't at his parent's house because he never went there, but she still called to check. Wang Shu answered her call, but Xiao li didn't dare to tell her mother-in-law that Jingyi Wang hadn't come home since last night as she was scared that she would make her worried.

She only asked how Wang Shu was doing and when Wang Shu asked how she was doing with the baby, she knew Jingyi Wang wasn't there.

If Jingyi Wang was there, Wang Shu would have told her.

To busy herself, she took a walk, did some yoga and took an online pregnancy course, all the things she usually did, but she was so worried about Jingyi Wang that she couldn't focus on any of them.