Our Son

After breastfeeding Little Dudu, Jingyi Wang took him from Xiao li and spoke with him, smiling as he watched Little Dudu blew out small bubbles before he fell asleep. Jingyi Wang gently placed the Little Dudu down when he saw that he was already asleep.

Looking at this scene, Xiao li suddenly felt jealous. She felt that Jingyi Wang was closer to Little Dudu than to her, his mother.

However, she was still very happy. She had her complete family. Jingyi Wang had always wanted a child and he had gotten what he wanted, including the woman he deserved.

Xiao li didn't know why she felt so happy looking at both the father and the son. She laid on the hospital bed, her eyes never left Jingyi Wang as he covered Little Dudu properly.

She knew that it had been hard for him as he hadn't gotten enough rest from taking care of both her and her son. The day she was in the delivery room, he was the one he stood with her, encouraging her with words so she wouldn't get tired.