Get the Kill Or Get Flamed

Fortunately, the world changed happened early in the morning. Half of the population was still getting ready to start their day while the other half was on their way to work or was just about to return home.

Marco surveyed the surrounding area and assessed the threat level of the building.

There were four rooms on the second floor and the same number of rooms on the first floor. All rooms were occupied, but he only knows one person from the tenants, the elder sister who likes to meddle with strangers.

From what he remembers, her name was Jessica. She likes to cosplay and loves playing bass. Her youtube channel even had million of simps, staying for the cleavage.

Remember that he doesn't go out to do groceries? It's because of that elder sister who regularly checks up on him.

Every other day, Jessica would check on him to see if he wants to get his groceries done. She pretends to buy a lot of food and would eat them in less than two days. This way, she could attract viewers through her vlogs.

The relationship was both beneficial and no one says anything with each other.

Marco doesn't remember when it first happened, but gratefully accepts the kind gesture.

The couple who fell earlier had already wandered off somewhere, while the newly dropped corpse tragically slammed its head on the hard ground. Her blood further splattered across the area as brainbits slowly oozed out of the crushed head.

In the distance, a loud scream echoed which started to wake the nearby houses up. A cotenant from his floor came out from his unit ready to commute to work. His formal attire of long sleeves and black pants exuded the aura of being a white-collar worker.

"Oh, hey." the man waved at him after seeing him. "It's been a long time since I saw you. Having a good morning?"

"I-I...You should stay..."

Marco stuttered as he tried to warn the man that he should stay at home. Despite his effort, he couldn't finish his sentence and the man only thought of him as weird.

"I need to go now. I'm already running late for work. Enjoy your day!"

Marco could only watch as the man walked down the stairs. Several seconds later, the man shrieked in horror followed by confused ramblings.

Marco looked down and saw the man approaching the body.

After making sure that the woman was really dead, he brought his phone out and called the emergency hotline.

"Watch out!" Marco shouted after seeing a zombie running across the street. It was the couple from next door who got attracted back to the area due to repeated noise.

Hearing his shout, the man stared confused at him before following his gaze.

"Holy shit! What happened to you two?" the man said after seeing the bruised faces of the couple.

The male zombie was limping due to fall damage while the female zombie could only speedwalk after her back fell first on the ground.

Seeing the couple's deranged expression, the man felt something wrong and backed away. The woman didn't waste any time and immediately lunge at him, clinging at his back.

"Help! Someone help me!" the man pleaded instinctively.

When he felt the lady trying to bite the top of his head, he rolled on the ground and elbowed her from the side of her face. Although the damage dealt wasn't huge, the natural reaction of the body caused him to be freed from its grasp.

It didn't take long before he realized that no one would help, and after a brief scan of the street, he decided that going back to the second floor was the safest option.

Unfortunately, the male zombie arrived and fell on top of him.

"Fuck! No, no. Shit!" the man struggled fending off the much stronger zombie when he saw the female zombie twitching as if getting ready to stand up.

Just as he was losing hope, rough breathing came from the side followed by a hard knife stab into the zombie's eye.

"Are you okay? Huff, huff. Can you, huff, get up?"

Though Marco saw and reacted quick enough to the call for help, his actual speed was severely lacking. Running down the staircase exhausted more than half of his stamina. It's normal for someone like him who lacks exercise to get exhausted while running down the stairs. If he was walking, there is a slight chance that he would only be tired, but the perilous situation didn't allow for him to move slowly.

"I-I think I got bit..." the man said dejectedly. His eyes looked left and right as if thinking of the possibilities and when he came to the only possible conclussion, his eyes glinted with frenzy while glaring at Marco.

"It's your fault... It's your fault. It's your fault!" the man lamented and blamed Marco as he slowly stood up from the ground.

Marco who hasn't recover from his exhaustion still had his hands on his knees when he felt a shadow rise up in front of him. His face darkened upon seeing the sight ahead.

The female zombie grabbed the man's shoulder and struck from behind. The flesh near the shoulder and nape got torn as the female zombie produced a sudden burst of strength resulting on his muscles getting chomped fiercely.

The man couldn't even react and only felt his body weaken.

As the man fell to the ground, he leaned some of his force backward, causing the zombie to lose its balance. By the time it recovered its footing, a wooshing sound came as an exhausted grunt pushed the knife deeper into the zombie's left eye.


Marco didn't waste the opportunity presented in front of him. As a gamer, your teammate's sacrifice must always count or you'll get flamed ceaselessly.

In terms of mentality, Marco was below-average when it comes to the real world. However, as long as it was related to gaming, he would always remain clear-headed.

Now that the world has turned into a game, slowly but surely, Marco's mentality would start to improve.