Chapter 9: Sometimes stealing can be...

The first thing they saw was gold. Not the money gold, but the color gold—though of course there was money there.

Arlo wasn't surprised at all by this sight. Not even a hint of greed flashed in his eyes, the reason being that he had seen such a spectacle many times before this; ones that were even grander than this one.

Compared to those he had seen before, this one was a bit humble.

Ignoring all the glorious greed-inducing treasures, Abner and Arlo searched around the place to find any clues about the city lord being in cahoots with the children snatchers.

Actually at first they were not planning on infiltrating into the treasure, instead they planned on sneaking into the city lord's personal chamber because that was the most likely place for him to hide his important things.

So carefully yet quickly, the pair rummaged through the things in the treasure room, looking from shelve to shelve, chest to chest, and every corner and space meticulously. Even checking if there are any hidden passage ways.

Abner moved on from a shelve he just checked and walked to another shelve and found something particular.

It was a notebook. To be exact, it was an account book used for keeping track of their spendings and earnings.

Abner flipped through the pages of the book and smiled. It was a jubilant smile.

Columns and columns of records and numbers registered in Abner's mind as he quickly scanned through the account book.

As a matter of fact, this account book is not usually placed in the city lord's treasure room. It's actual strongbox is the city lord's personal bedroom under his pillow—he literary hugs it to sleep every night.

It was only for this day that the city lord forgot to bring the account book back with him when he went to the treasure room earlier in the day for inspection. He contemplated whether he should go get it but he didn't think it was necessary in the end. So he carelessly left it there, planning to pick it up the next morning.

Remarkably, Arlo's thief sense really worked—100% accuracy—to actually have a hunch that it wasn't in the city lord's chamber but in his treasure room.

Shutting it, Abner turned to Arlo and signaled him to leave.

The moment they left the treasure room, a rushing of footsteps sounded out in the previous quiet and dark corridor.

"Intruder! Intruders have infiltrated the treasure room!" A guard captain shouted at the top of lungs informing his squad to move quickly.

It seems like although their fight with the guards stationed at the treasure room didn't make much noise, one of the fallen guards must've been clever enough to tell something's wrong and informed others.

Widening their eyes in alarm, Abner and Arlo quickly gave each other a glance before escaping in a split second. They split up to divide the guards' attention and have a better chance at escaping.

Abner ran into the hall right of the treasure room while Arlo ran into the left hall. Both only to be met with another squad of guards respectively.

With the reaction of lightning, Abner bypassed all the guards in his way before they could react. It was more of the work of adrenaline and his newly improved body combined than anything else—almost like a miracle.

However, the guards soon regained their composure and madly chased after Abner. Being chased down the corridor and all over the mansion, Abner decided that this can't continue on. Even if his body improved after the light's mysterious strengthening, it still doesn't change the fact that the human body has limits, and he was running out of stamina.

Seeing an exit, Abner gritted his teeth and decided to face the guards directly. Otherwise he really has no other option. He didn't have all the ingredients he needed to prepare the poisons he had in mind that would be useful.

On a side note, the herbs and ingredients needed to make poison are really hard to find throughout all the continent, that's why poisoning isn't something common—it's a very rare occurrence.

He prayed to the Lord as he reached the exit and came out into the front yard of the mansion where the gate of the wall is located.

Similarly, Arlo also came running out from somewhere in the mansion to the front yard followed by a squad of guards fiercely chasing him.

Once Arlo glanced Abner's way, Abner gestured for him to come to him. So they converged together in the middle of the large front yard, surrounded loosely by a large amounts of guards. Some pointing swords and spears at them while a few had guns in their hands.

However, instead of surrendering their hearts to fear and hopelessness, Abner and Arlo readied themselves for the fight of their lives against the numerous guards with their puny strength as of currently.

"You thieving bast**ds! Think you can just take something from my, the city lord's, mansion and get away just like that?! Callow fools!" The city lord stepped out from the mansion surrounded by bodyguards flanking him on every side to ensure his safety. He sneered as he said this and with a seemingly calm demeanor. However, on the inside, he was panicking and freaking out. After all, they've been into the treasure room and it will be doubtful that they didn't see the account book he accidentally left there. In that book is a record and evidence of all his bad deeds and transactions he's taken part in. He really was too careless this time; his guard too lowered after years of peace.

He was nervous on the inside but calm and undisturbed on the surface as he directed his guards to seize them.

Abner had immediately saw through the city lord's calm demeanor at first glance. He had seen too many people like him with their pretense that he can tell even without his eyes that they're pretending.

The guards at the front with swords and weapons rushed at Abner and Arlo pumped with adrenaline. They stabbed, they slashed, they pierced, they swung.

Abner and Arlo had to block, dodge, and avoid so many weapons at once requiring utmost focus and pinpoint concentration. These strenuous movements of their also required great agility and concise positioning.

Abner harshly kicked the hand of the guard holding a sword and instantly whipped around and punched another guard in the face breaking his nose. He again threw continuous punches and kicks and even used his elbow, knees, and all his body to fight against the incoming guards. If his body hadn't undergone the light's strengthening and his own tortuous training method, he doubted that this body could've lasted this long.

Elbowing another yet guard in the guts and kicking him away, Abner turned his attention to another guard that filled in for the downed one. Abner really needed to think of a way out because this really can't go on. Him and Arlo cannot last against this many guards, trained guards.

On Arlo's side, he was doing his all dodging and evading the attacks of the guards. Sometimes escaping by the skin of his teeth. He too knows that he won't last after another 5 minutes. His forehead and back kept on perspiring and his body started feeling heavier and heavier. He took a split second glance at Abner to see his situation and how he's holding up. Arlo saw that he too is starting to get wary and worn.

He racked his brains but was too tired to actually think of anything. Usually this wouldn't really be a particularly difficult situation for Arlo as escaping was his specialty, however, now that he had a companion that he also needed to escape with, the difficulty scaled.

It was then that Abner suddenly remembered the gun he had took from one of the guards at the treasure room. Although his enemies had more than one gun while he only had one, Abner still dared to try out the idea in his head as that was the only plan he can think of to get himself and Arlo out of this predicament.

He can only bet on Arlo's ability to dodge bullets that he does not know of.

"Arlo!" Abner shouted as he grabbed for the gun he stole.

Alert, although Arlo didn't know what Abner was about to do, he coordinated with him. He observed Abner's every action in order to have a proper response.

Abner took the gun out and started rapidly shooting. Unlike normal people that would randomly shoot at their opponents in such an urgent and heart-clenching situation, Abner on the contrary was exceedingly calm and shot accurately. In fact, he was so calm and astute, he seemed frightening in the city lord's and his guards' eyes.

Every one of his shots were with purpose as each one created an additional chance for Abner and Arlo to escape. It was like Abner was predicting the far future as he takes in mind every calculation and risk and possibility.

Eventually a perfect opportunity for a breakthrough appeared and Abner and Arlo swiftly escaped out of this dangerous situation.

"You will rue the day you were born! Die you wretched thieving blighter bast**ds!!!" The city lord's face was flaming red with anger and hatred as he watched helplessly as the two thieves who had stolen his skeletons from his closet escaped away to safety.

He clenched his fists together tightly and roared with vigorous strength gained from his bitter feelings.


Somewhere far from the City Lord's Mansion.

A pair of shadows sat in a dark alleyway void of any others besides them.

One with violet-purple pupils that glowed in the dark and the other with forest-green hair that shimmered under the tiny streak of moonlight sat looking through a notebook; the account book they had stolen from the city lord just this night.

"This is another evidence and lead for us," Abner said as he read through the account book seriously this time unlike when he was in the treasure room and in a hurry.

"Yep," Arlo smirked with pride as he wiped away his sweat that finally stopped flowing.

Arlo commented as he played with his hair, "That was so cool back there, the way you handled that gun. You should teach me sometimes."

"Sure. Depends on if you can pick it up." Abner was glad that Arlo didn't ask him how he had learned how to use a gun before—and so masterfully as well.

"Then I'll teach you some thieving tricks as well. They come in handy not only in stealing you know," Arlo bragged as he turned his nose high into the air.

Abner laughed, "That's true. I never thought that taking from other people can actually benefit the good instead of the bad!"

Arlo shrugged his shoulders and coolly said, "Like I always say, sometimes stealing can be for the greater good!" He even made a dramatic gesture of holding out his fist in front of him in a heroic pose.

To which Abner only laughed until his belly ached.