Supprise Supprise

Next day.. I woke up with big big headache.. and I am happy that hazz didn't wake me up.. we didn't even know that when we get here last night..

I got up on bed. And quickly go to washroom and done my business.. and than brush my teeth.. wash my face.. now I am fully wake..

I grab my phone and laptop.. and walk out to my room to handed to kitchen.. and started to make breakfast for us.. hazz didn't wake me up means she's still sleeping.. it's amusing that she's still sleeping.. maybe she also know that today's is our last day to take rast..

Tomorrow don't know what happened with us.. I mean i know Mr Staves what assignment given us.. I hope it's not that hard. And me an hazz both are complete it.. I really want to work this out..  I made come toast and make coffee for us.. I really don't have that energy to cook something.. plus my head hurt like hell.

" Good morning baby.." hazz come to me.. and hug me kiss my cheek and greet me..

" Morning sweetie." I said and give her coffee and toast with some jelly.. she thank me.. and eat without questioning me..

" My head hurt like bitch.." she said..

" Language hazz.." i said to her..

" Yeahh sorry mom.." she said with sarcastically. I just rolled my eyes..

" So what's today's plan.." she said..

" I didn't know you say.. " i asked her.. well we have still lots of to catch up.. but I thought that we will do all this one by one.

" Just go to shopping and grab some food. I thing we really needed it.. because my guts say that we really needed it.. " she said to me .

" We already have some.. than why.. a whole week we can survive this.. " I said to her.

" No we can't.. I mean we can.. but still we have to grab some more.. " she said..

" An plus we also buy something.. whom I just forget pack with me.." she said. Oohh so that's why she asking..

" Don't Tell me.. you talking about it.. oh my.. I also forget it.. I mean how can we forget it.. " i said to her..

" I didn't.. I thought we can grab those from here. " She said to me..

" Fine.. we will go for but not now.. get some more rest than we go.. my legs are paining badly.. " i told her.. and open my laptop..

" Yeahh yeahh whatever.. " she said. And tease me I just ignore her..

" One more thing.. when last time me and gray talk with Mr Staves he told him that he going to give us some assignments to complete it.. i don't know what it is.. " i told her..

" I hope it's group assignment so we both can do well I know.. don't worry so much..bell" she said to me..

" I hope so.. " i said to her..

After that we both are chat little bit out what uncle jhon said yesterday.. and than we both are get some fun in social site she posted some of us video's we both are talk there and pull each other's leg..  I also post some photos to both of us.. we both are looking hot and sexy in that..  no matter what we ready both enjoy our New York first party. 

Me and hazz both went to mall again.. grab things. She grabs lots of chocolates and chips.. and like this we ended up with lots of things. I don't mind for that.. than we when for our apartment.. and watch some episodes in my laptop.. we also decided what we are wearing for tomorrow.. because we don't want to be late for tomorrow.. so we already grab some things whom we needed there.

After that me and hazz both are made lasagna and it's tasts is really good. So like said before.. we got wine for us.. so we also drink it like this we made our last day enjoy.. and than we both hug each other greet us good night to each other. And enter our rooms and sleep..

Next day.. well like we thought is.. we both are woke up in time.. but like plan this it's not get well like this.. hazz drink hot coffee without checking and her whole dress are ruined.. so for that we got little late..

But still I don't know we made it in the Staves empire and than we talk with receptionist and she said than we have to go to top floor and than talk with Rosie and we both nodded and run to elevator  who's going to close but I just yelled at stop there.. and me and hazz both are enter there.. there is not lots of people so we are happy about it..

" Thank got.. we are not late.. we have still have 5 minutes.. " haz said looking at her watch..

" It's all because of you.." i said to her.. and I turn to that man whom stop the elevator for us..

" Thank you so... Oh my god. What are you doing here.. don't tell me you also work here. " I tell him. The same man whom I seduce him.. I look at other man that I never see him. He just look at me with wild eyes..

" Is he mute.." haz said..

" No hazz. Last time we check he's not.." I told her. And look at other man.. and he keep giving us starng glare.

" Oky whatever is that.. if you work here to.. so let me clear myself.. don't think other thing like something happe between us.. and try your best as much as can you do to ignore me.. because i don't like other relationship with my office staff other than just professional.. are we clear.. " i said giving smrik and told him that never thing that something happened between us.. last time happened it happened.. it's never happened again.. he just look at me an smike me.. and also amused by my words..  I just rolled my eyes. And turn around without knowing he's answer..

I look at hazz. She also smriking at me.. and than it's annoyed me.. I told her to shut the hell up and don't smrike at me. And she just rolled her eyes. And smile..  the whole ride is little bit awkward I mean he's standing behind Ang hazz can't just talk like we always do. It's our first day. I really little nervous that what happened.. I started to play with my fingers. To clam myself..  when elevator door ding and opne.. we all are out of there.. an I didn't even look at him once.. me and hazz we both walk strength to the girl who's name is Rosie..

We see that there is lady whom are doing something to her computer..

" Hyy good morning.. we are looking for miss Rosie.. can you just tell us.. which office she is.. " i ask her..

" It's me.. " the lady said to us. We both are suprise.. we didn't know that the CEO will higher older people for job..

" Ohh sorry.. hii my name is annebelle Benson and she's my friend hazal Johnson.. we both are here to meet Mr Staves.. " i told her.. and she look at both of us.. and than nodded in her head. Giving us sweet smile whom we both give us back.

" Yeahh right.. Mr Staves told us about you girls.. you go the Straight there is end of in right side you can see there is written name on it... You can go and talk to him. he will explain you everything.. " she explain us.. we both thank her.. and we both are walk to the direction the lady give us.. and we reach he's office..  we both stood there. An look at each other.. and assure each other and than I knock he's door.  First time he didn't say anything so I did it again..

" I said come in.." he yelled and I jump on my side. And hazz scared little bit.. I slw down my breath. And than we both are enter there..

When we enter there. He's face is Glow in he's computer.. sowe didn't see he's face. And there is the another man who's sitting opposite site to him. He also didn't turn around.. and I observed he's office.. it's quite unique.. unique but nice.. yeahh. But it's whole opposite to Grayson's.

" So you both are late.." he's said to us.. we both are look at each other. And than look at him..

" We are sorry sir.. we just get lost.." I said to him..

" So this is your first lie in your first day of your internship.. than how you both can work this here.. miss Johnson and miss Benson.. we have here rule's. And you both have to follow this.. I will not tolerate this again.. " he said to us angrily.. damn he is devil..

" It will never happen again." Hazal said. And I just nodded with her. And than the man whom it's didn't say word he finally turn around and trying to say something but he stop.. looking at hazal.. and I see that hazal are looking at her shoes.. I just poke her and than she look at me than look front of them. And than she also look at him the way that boy looking at her. Both are suprise.. or anything..

" You.." both are said. And looking at each other with shock..

" What happened" i asked.. and I feel that someone's eyes on me. I ignore it he's stair.

" That is the same guy whom I meet in the plane" she said. And I really wanted to laugh at it.. but I hide it.. hazz also want to do some but she control it..

" She's not working here.. and that's final." The boy said. And me and hazz we both are snapped and look at him. And than my eyes lead on the boss.. and guess who.. who it is.. it's the same man.. and here I am really fucked up.. damn. How can I survive this.. and wait sec what he said.. who can't work here.

" An who the hell are you to telling this.." hazz snap him back..

" Shut up.. don't dare to talk to me like that.." he said to her angrily..

" Hello Mr.. didn't someone told you how to talk with ledies.. " I said to him. And he's eyes lead on me.

" Really.. just asked her what she did.." he said to me..

" I know what she did.. and she did right thing.. you are snotting in plane. That old lady got irritated because of you. And she switched her seat with her.. beacuse of you that old lady have to left first business class and come to Normal place.. and that was cool for you.. " i snap him..

" Don't talk to me like that.. you both are forget that where you both are standing.." he said to us.. now I hate this when people talk like this.

" We know where we are standing.. we just can't believe that you Duff are also standing here.." hazz snapped him. I really want to laugh at him when he's face change. But I just control myself.. good one hazz.

"What you just said.." he asked her. And come to us.. me and hazz both are look at each other when he said than. We both really want to brush out laughing but we didn't do that..

"Enough.." the boss stop us.. and we both are look at him. Now now one person are going to join us.

" Alex stop crying like baby.. and you both of you.. you both are troublemakers.. I can't tolerate this.. it's not drama house it's bloody my office that you all are fighting like kids ." He said dangoursely.. but it still look sexy.. oh damn what I am thinking about him.. shu shu..

" Now get in the business.. so before you work for us.. I want to see you both are deserve it or not.." he said to us..  we didn't say anything.. waited him to say what he going to go e us assignment.

" So your work is.. I give you guys some work.. so.. thing is I give you same assignment but you both have to do individual.. and you both also can't talk with each other. And also can't talk with each other. Even you also can't do this assignment in one room. " He explain.. and than me and hazz both look at each other .

" It's about that. I will give you both same land with with all same equation.. you guys have to solve it. And you have to draw a plan in shit and also in laptop.. in that all things you both are sitting front of us. And we both are see this how you done this work and how many time you used it for that. " He. Explain.

" So I give you both of you only 10 minutes.. to do whatever you want to do like use washroom and all. After that we are nothing going to give this chance before you complete your assignment. " He said to us.. and both are still standing there and thinking that what just happened..

" Get out now.." he said. And me and hazz we both are get out from he's office.. and asked Mrs Rosie where is the washroom.. so me and hazal can go there and talk about this..  what just happened..