The Ultimate Trio! Venus And Akari's Final Attack!

Chapter 12: The Ultimate Trio! Venus And Akari's Final Attack!


It was time.....This is when I tell them everything. We saw Sonic run off into the distance, seeing where else he could have his own fun. After seeing how messy things got around here...I would too if it were possible. My fun could only last so long, it seems...Shadow watched from the wall of the wrecked ship. After taking care of the body, that is. Knuckles sat on top of it, resting. I decided to speak with Vanilla first. Her gaze of calmness and positive vibes, with a hint of attractiveness remained unchanged. I suppose she's happy to see me, though she knew where this was going..

"I'm...Sure you know what we're gonna talk about.."

"[Vanilla] Yes I know. And it is ok."

"! A-are you sure?"

"[Vanilla] After having such wonderful times with you, I knew for sure you couldn't be a proper fit for Cream."

"I have to say...It's a bit off that you went with this for some time now."

"[Vanilla] Im a single parent. I need an outlet or two for...Personal matters. ^ ^;"

"Well then.."

"[Vanilla] You seemed really stressed out as it is. I wouldn't feel too right to sit out on someone in need like that."

".....She's a very sweet girl...I just wish she could have someone better than me..I understand you're in a bit of a hard place too."

"[Vanilla] And I really appreciate your understanding ^ ^. Though, sticking to one lover is what you need in your case."

"*looks back at Perly, who's a few meter across from Shadow* Tell me about it...*returns to 'Nilla* Yknow what. I'll do her a favor. I owe it to her for my mess up. I'll help support you two by making my own earnings and give you two a home! I know it'll take a while...But I have to start somewhere."

"[Vanilla] *giggles* You sure do become dedicated when you want, do you? What of the little lady over there?"

"...Right...It does kinda depend on what she says after I tell her more of the truth. She's been in a better place mentally after finding out she had no dad. She's been better with Bat-Babe, but still..I feel like you two need more help. I hope Cream takes all this well too.."

"[Vanilla] This is a bit tough for us all. I wish things were better too. Nonetheless, I appreciate the help ^ ^. Staying with you three longer is still fine as far as Im concerned."

"Right..Thanks for taking all this really well. (Now there's Perly...Oh man here goes.) Ok. Now lemme speak to Perly, please. Have Shadow take you back home."

"[Vanilla] Of course. *bows and walks off* I'll go ahead and talk to Cream about everything."

"*sees her go to Shadow, asking him to go to Rouge's home and warp away* Now then...Perly! Mind coming here?"

"[Perle] *walks up to me* You called?"

"Yeah...It's really important.."

"[Perle] *sighs* Is it really bad?"

"Im afraid so.....It's...About how unfaithful I've been to you.."

"[Perle] You mean...With Mom? H-How could you?!"

"Look, Im s-"

"[Perle] NO! Im breaking up with you AND THAT'S FINAL!"

"...I wasted alot of your time...I know....Do whatever you want to me...I deserve it..."

"[Perle]....You've gave me..So much trouble from the start...*watches me drop to my knees* Then you turn out to not be worth being with.."

"Well...What's my punishment?"

"[Perle]...*gazes down on me* You're staying here...You're gonna wait for Shadow for as long as it takes..And when he gets here..He'll deal with you!...YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"

"(Sorry's obviously not gonna cut...I dont think anything really will..)"

"[Rouge] *sees Perle start to cry, holds her* There there. Im here for ya."

"[Perle] AND YOU! *turns to her* You could've told me about this! How long has this been happening?!"

"[Rouge] *sighs* Listen Im not here to win any Mother Awards. Just keeping a roof over everyone's head is my only real concern."

"[Perle] Then I want out! Y'hear me?! OUT! ASAP!"

"...Perly...*gets her attention* I just...Promised to help Vanilla that I'll help them financially..If you wanna live with them...Be my guest.."

"[Perle] ! (So that's why he talked to her!) W-well!...You're still gonna receive your punishment! I dont care what you do for me!...Mom...I just..Wanna go home..And get away from all this.."

"[Rouge] *looks at me wallowing to myself* (Just hang tight here, kid.) No problem, lil' brat. Dont whine too much, alright?" she told her before snagging her up into the air, jetting back home while leaving me behind. Minnivera watched me from a distance as my sadness got more and more to me, trying my hardest not to sulk, but I remained unsuccessful..She couldn't watch for too long, however. There was a reading she was picking up on a distress system that was built into her rifle. To her surprise, it traced back to Station Square.

In the city, the people notice the skies turning gray, along with wide swirlings of clouds. "*dashes through the city blocks* Something is a-brewin'. That means I gotta stop it, but where is it? *sees a bulky black and green robot flying to an area, who carried an armor of wind around it* Bingo. Hey buddy, mind telling me your deal around these parts? *sees him keep flying forward* Are ya deaf? Well lemme me fix that! *balls up while spinning very fast, hurls up into him but is smacked away by a swing of his arm, throttling into several building windows from the force of his wind-imbued swipe, grabs the top of a building to stop* What the heck was that?! How- *looks around, noticing a dozen buildings missing their upper halves* WHOOOA! How powerful is this guy?! (Where ever he's headin' cant be good, especially if he can destroy the whole city!) Drrrrrg, darn! I gotta find Shadow and Knuckles for this, and fast!" Sonic urged himself, speeding around the city some more to find help.


"Doctor. This is a damn shame. You're in way over your head with this hedgehog. My suit alone is far more designed to take down your rodent problem than your entire armies."

"Is that so? Alright then, what do you suggest, smarty-pants?"

"Of all things, you simply lack power."

"Prosperous! Did you not see my ships and my giant-"

"You're thinking too small. You still have no means to protect yourself from him either."

"W-well! I-I mean- It's just-!"

"Let me do the talking here, Eggman. Listen. You can pitch in if you want on this, but after we're through making this, our blue wonder won't know what to do."

"Hmmmmm, go on then."

"Good. We'll be ahead in no time. Fail here and you might as well be in a retirement home."

"Yes yes now please, tell me what I need for this E-series bot!"

"Firstly, ever thought of sealing it's power with OFG tech?"

"Fascinating...How powerful is it again?"

-end of flashback-

"So....That's how that partnership started" Akari was understanding, "However it was made to be rather unstable. I made it with a Prototype OPG. A P-OPG. One that I created after briefly having my hands on an emerald. The Doctor did the rest. That's why I needed everything to go as planned while I was alive...So I wouldn't have to resort to such a half-baked backup. So someone like you wouldn't be in a tough spot. Either let yourself be caught by one of my employees and this thing runs rampant, or get the means to control it with the OFGs and gain acquisition of the Enterprise in my place. It'd complete your research too" Vlad's AI explains and proposes through the big screen, ".....I called Eggman, so I do accept...It's just....What will I do without you? If Sonic and his friends interfere...You'll.." Akari was saying, "Im dead, doc. You have to move on...Though. *sees her eyes widen* Say Sonic and Shadow do turn Super. I have a countermeasure for even that. Eggman has a very useful function installed in this unit that we've discussed. I might be here for longer than you thought" Vlad's AI told her, making her feel uncertain and a piece of fear swells in her stomach. What she was aware of however is how not was this bot coming to where she is, but Vlad's little helpers as well. Akari initiates the first one.

Knuckles was sleeping for a moment after clearing his mind of the situation, resting on top of the wrecked ship (the top of it was ok compared to everywhere else). He opens his eyes, seeing me still look saddened on the ground, then watches Minnivera fly off into Station Square. "What's gotten into her? *eyes are drawn to a beam being shot out of the room* What in the...? *sees metal pieces zipping out of it too* ! Whatever's happening, it cant be good. No one said anything about this, so I have to stop it. *drops down, runs into the room with the suitcase in it, shortly seeing it shoot out a green beam* If I just..*puts a hand in front of it, seeing the pieces stop flowing out of it* Ok, but this beam is still out...It's from that guy Shadow killed anyway. No one's gonna miss it. *raises a fist, then slams it down into suitcase, but barely dents it* H-huh? How's it able to take a hit from me? Fine! *bangs the same fist on it several more times, resulting in the same dents as it also regenerates* That does it! *throws it through a wall, and it ends up falling into the sea* Hmph. Hopefully if it sinks, the water'll mess it up. Still...Cant hurt to see what happened to the city" Knuckles plots out loud. He proceeds to grab me and flies into Station Square. Unbeknownst to him though, the suitcase surfaces and floats on top of the water. It shoots the same beam as before, continuing to send the rest of the parts to an assigned location. Even with some buildings in the way, it is able to bend around them and continue the delivery with little issue. After a few minutes of this, Akari initiates the second helper.

At the last GUN base, the guards hold their position at the front and rear end of the place, with around a dozen that were inside this submerged facility, all in the center. Within that place, a certain droid was there too. They heard mechanical noises and looked up, but see nothing. As soon as another personnel looked up behind him, the droid dropped on the square container that had the OFG part inside, which lowered into the floor. "Unit: VLR-Y. Engaged" said the droid, "*turns around quickly with other guards* Intruder! There's an intruder! Fire at- *gets gun grabbed and bent backwards by it* How the hell?! *looks surprised at how feminine the droid looks in her golden exterior* (Why does it- Nevermind that!) FIRE! *sees it take all the bullets that were fired at it while standing still* Our- Our bullets dont seem to be working! Get the mech units here and fas- GYUUUH!!" grunted the GUN soldier as he was getting choked by the droid with both of it's hands while raising. A guard ran to a button on the wall, sounding the alarm and had hovering GUN bots with spikes in front of them come out of the floor to attack their target. Seeing them, the droid makes rockets come out of her legs, having them blow up in front of her by shooting into the ground then the rest rains on the opposing bots, blowing away the personnels as well, injuring them in the process. This attack caused alot of smoke to cover the place around her. "*activates scanner, turning eyes from yellow to blue* Threat Level...Minimized. *gets stabbed in the gut by a drilling bot, and pushed by from the impact, grabs it with a crushing grip; notices a hole in abdomen* Damage...Minor. *chops it in half with one hand, then tosses it aside* Eliminated. Must Acquire OPG" VLR-Y said, jumping on top of where the object was sunken into and bashes her fist into the roof of it, pulling it out as it was inside a much smaller container. The droid jumped into the sea by busting through the facility and the glass that surrounded the top of the base, letting the place flood from the hole she made while swimming to Station Square, activating a turbine in her shoulders and her back to go 200mph. "*sees the tons of waters rushing in from above, grabs a walkie-talkie* Shadow, come in! Emergency Base Area 04" the guard told him.

On the way back from home to check on things while in the air, Rouge sees a beam coming from her right and zips by her, making her stop. She then saw a suspicious looking droid holding a container with a jet from her back. "Something's not right here. What's happening? *sees Sonic land on a nearby building* Lemme guess, you're trying to find Shadow, blue boy?" Rouge asked, "Yeah, cuz we got a major problem goin' on. There's this robot out here I can't even touch and took out some buildings in one go. Looks like we're gonna need the Chaos Emeralds" sonic told her, "Look for that Echidna if you can too. The Freedom Fighters could possibly help too. We're in for one last fight" Rouge replied, and with a nod, Sonic zipped away, while Rouge herself tries to go off on her own.

Not too long into waiting, Akari sees Sigma flying towards her, being 500 meters away, and sees that he's hit with a beam. The mech projects the materials he's received, putting them together in seconds to make the shield-generating OPG with jets on it, then proceeds to equip it to it's back. "That's one down. The second one should be here at any sec- *suddenly sees a big tornado shot blasting him away* ! Who did that? *runs to the window, then sees Rouge zip through the air with her tornado boots* It's this woman I've heard of then..What a pain" Akari said to herself in displeasure. Sigma was fixed on Rouge, always locked onto her as she flew around. She was able to dodge the thing's waves of the arm, but was nearly hit each time, having only scratches, even if she was 20ft away from him. "*still dodging, twirling all over with the help of the twister propulsions from the boots* (Even though I've had so much time to get used to these things, dodging these big gust attacks isn't the easiest thing in the world to keep up. Shadow, Knuckles, someone. You better come quick) What's the matter, bolt bucket? Eggman's programming not good enough for me? ;)" Rouge winked and taunted him, then followed up by turning up the boots' power to go even faster, amping her agility and can now move out of the way of his strikes by just going up or down. She counters a few swipes by blasting him further away from his destination, though each time flails her backwards as well. Akari watches this display of strong keep-away, gets more angered. "Im sending a signal to use this other function" Vlad's AI said through the monitor to Akari's surprise, making Sigma deploy dozens of floating mines around itself and Rouge. "*looks around, seeing how they're coming closer* Oh great, just what I needed. *kicks a wind shot at one of them, and another replaces it* Im in real trouble now" she said to herself, starting to sweat. She was able to dodge around for a bit longer til she had to go under a mine, but it detonates on her, sending her flying to the ground from the force of it, making her lose control in the process. The moment she looks up, E-115 goes towards his destination, leaving Rouge to deal with the mines that were still coming towards her. "(Drat! I only have a few Bat Bombs left, and my laser can do the trick, but I'll still be busy for a whil-) *hears a very loud bashing sound, seeing Sigma flying backwards as Super Sonic and Super Shadow descend from the skies; gasps* And there they are. The Super friends are back in town" Rouge said in glee, and Super Shadow blows up all the mines in a flash. "We're giving you a warning, buddy. Go away or deactivate yourself, or else this'll be ugly" Super Sonic warned Sigma, "Must Reach Destination" Sigma said, "You what to do, Shadow" Super Sonic told him while floating to the right, "*takes off an inhibitor ring* With pleasure" Super Shadow said as Sigma turned around, meetinig face-to-face with a giant blast of Chaos energy shot from the uncuffed hand from Super Shadow, which also shot through the right part of Vlad's Enterprise building, barely missing where Akari was, but the same cant be said about the monitor which has 1/4 of the screen missing. "*looks back* Vlad, no! Dont go! Please, not again!" Akari pled, " it!" the monitor told her, "E-eject? *sees a red button below the screen, presses it and a chip comes out* This must be the AI chip....Oh Vlad..What do I do now..." Akairi said to herself.

Behind a far enough building, the golden robot was thinking about what her next course of action should be. Her AI puts together a few scenarios while calculating. After seeing the Super hedgehogs, she decides to do something drastic and not part of the plan. Yet.....Y'all will see. Sigma was still in the air but barely with the serious damage he took, showing alot of scratches while sparking and even an arm falls off. "Im surprised one of those didn't do it. One more of those and-" he was saying and heard a big burst of power coming from the distance. "*turns to the building, seeing a large pillar of energy come from behind it, with a shining android floating to the top of it* Huh?! Where'd she come from? Either way it doesn't look good! *dashes to her with Shadow but suddenly feels much slower* What the heck...? *turns back around, seeing Sigma's back opened and energy comes to him* No way...He couldn't be.." Sonic began, "Damn! *warps above him and does another Chaos Throttle downward, blasting Sigma to the ground in a powerful explosion upon impact; sees sparks flying out of him while jittering in place, most of armor being gone; pants* This one's sturdy as hell.. (Unless....Could it be possible that he's resistant to Chaos attacks now?) Sonic...How many...Rings d-do you have?" Shadow grunted, trying his best to keep his Super form with Sonic, "Maybe..2 left, Shadow...! Nnnnnghhh! gaaah...." Sonic said while falling, coming out of his Super state. With the last 5 rings Shadow had, he spent them to Chaos Control both him and Sonic safely to the ground, now watching above them as they both catch their breaths. What they witnessed was something they weren't too ready for.

The powered-up droid launches amped up missiles on the way floating down, blowing away Sonic and Shadow, and everyone else that was in the area. In the smoke she caused, Tails swooped in with his Tornado plane, and snagged up Sonic and Shadow. "Dont worry you two, the rest of the Fighters will be here soon!" Tails told them, "Late as...Ever, Tails..But...C-call them off...She's..Too strong.." Sonic weakly told him, "Let them try, Soni- *sees light coming out of the dust. separating it and sees the gold robot sit, knees-held in Sigma's body as his chest was wide open* What's she...Doing..? I've never seen any of Eggman's robots do this before! *watches as a big ball of light forms from them, covers eyes and flies away* Whoa! *holds the wheel in one hand, rubs eyes with the other, and looks back down* I-I can barely see but....Whoooa o.o;" Tails said in surprise, his eyes taken by the sight of long, real hair coming of of the female bot's head and her face looked more animated like a human's. The parts of Sigma were still on her body, but were atomized onto her to fit her slimmer design. "*looks at hands, and looks around at the energy particles that were emitted* What...Are these? What am I? Hmm..." she said while sitting down and deeply pondering. Tails, watching this unfold, decides to land the plane on a lower building, seeing how this will really turn out. Shadow was also thinking when he should act on his own once recovered.

Dr.Akari was lost for a while at the moment. Saddened by not being able to hear Vlad anymore...Or so it seems. She thought of trying other things that the AI chip could possibly talk through, so she looked around the room. Once she got a recorder box that was in the desk drawer, she heard a clicking sound to the side of her, and feels a gun pressed to her head. She raised her hands and looks to the holder, giving the woman an angered stare. "I saw where your toys were headed and came this way" Minnivera told her, ".....What would you want with me? Cant you see I cant do much?" Akari tells her, "I realized, but I want you to deactivate this troublemaker of your's" she told her, "I would...If Vlad told me in time. Now if you can leave me be.." Akari replied, "I dont think so. For all the trouble you caused me then and now, you have to pay. Either deactivate it or you're dead. You have 10 minutes. If none of this works..." Minnivera threatens, making her victim fearful while looking around for something to work with AI chip. She saw 5 devices that could possibly work with it and the recorder was already out the window after trying it.

There was little will I was working with...But...I've been coming to terms with the punishment waiting for me..I cant help but wonder...Perle has been really taking alot of time to get here, along with my punishment too..That woman and Knuckles were out for quite a bit of time as well..So there might be trouble occurring. Right when I was wondering that, a briefcase coasts past me in the waters ahead..Wait...Wasn't it in the ship's room?.....Ok..That's my cue to do something now. I wanted to stay to receive my punishment, but what if Perle or even everyone is in danger and cant get out of it all cuz I chose to sit here? I won't let that happen...I shouldn't...I inch myself to the shores..Since I have to make it to the city by myself, I have to use my Mobian self. My eyes close, focus takes my conscious and I began to form scales...Then fins..With one expanding from my back to my head, forming a large one. My height shrunk to around 4ft. Both of my hands became webby with aquatic nets between my fingers. My chest muscles up and looks more like a tiger's, and my limbs become shelled like a crab. I decided that the form I was taking was good enough and dove into the waters, swimming through the waters at an impressive 85mph. I've never swam this fast before..Im not even sure of what I am and I still haven't completed my Mobian form. Once I reach the shores of Station Square, I am met with a building behind it and people were there, able to see me through the glass door. I revert the moment one of them sees me...But I only wanted to look Human for a second. Is that how it works? No time to think about it, let's get into the city.

After coming out of the building's entrance, I heard destruction coming from the north-east direction and a building falls over in that direction, spooking me from the sight of it. I rushed over there, but stopped when I saw Vanilla of all people hiding behind a building. " 'N-nilla? What're you doing out here?" I asked her, "I happened to go out shopping and I heard all of this commotion..*looks beyond the building, seeing the fused bot shooting strong beams and missiles while sitting* It looks really bad here..She seems unstoppable...So Im gonna use Venus on her" Vanilla told me, "! D-do you know what'll happen exactly?" I asked, ".....We'll have to see" she replied, sending Venus out from under her dress and the pink goo launches at the robot, engulfing her, stopping the attack. "*looks down, sees the bot covered in pink liquids* ! Isn't that the thing that Tails told me not to get close to? Wonder what she'll do now. *watches as her metal body turns pink as she stands, then fixes her tail to ponytails and starts smiling; watches her * Uh oh" Sonic comments, and Shadow tries to charge a Chaos Spear. "*struts down the street, looks at both hands* Good~. I've gained full control of this thing. Unit: VLR-Y? Valory? Valorus it is then. Let's have some fun while we can then. *dodges a Chaos Spear from above, swipes away another, then sees everything go black and white; looks around* What's all this now?" Valorus said, "! (What the hell?! Now my Chaos Control has no effect on her? Could it be this form she gained? We may need that red buffoon for this) Sonic, you have to stay here and dont engage. (In case going all-out isn't enough) I have to get that idiot here asap" Shadow told him, making Sonic frustrated as he warps away with Chaos Control. "! Sonic, get me back to Knothole as fast as you can now! I left something that'd really help here!" Tails told him, and with a nod, Tails is picked up by Sonic. "*looks behind, sees Sonic speed away from the area, smirks and giggles* Now that the last of the distractions are out of the way..*shoots missiles out of legs while doing sexual poses, taking out buildings and immobilizing people with their explosions, then spurts tons of pink goo from between legs, flooding the ground, quickly spreading up to a radius of 100 meters, swarming a multitude of people in it, pleasuring them with the tentacles and strong pheromonal scenes; raises up above it all, standing upright, watching the sea of orgasms happening* I can have all the fun I can have, now that there's nothing stopping me with this incredible body I gained. The previous one is a wrinkly old hag in comparison" Valorus comments, starting to enjoy her reign as orgy queen. "*watches the buildings and streets being swarmed by pink liquids, still points rifle* See what you've caused? How am I supposed to stop this? I promised my late mother I'd secure a living for myself...I knew I should've killed you a long time ago..Im making you pay...You have three minutes" Minnivera told her and Akari only stayed silent.

Rouge flies down with me and Vanilla as the pink oozes arise and cover more of the cities. "*covers mouth and nose with a hand* What're we supposed do now? There's no way we can stop all this now" I asked, "It seems as though the boys will have to handle this. If you can help with this, be my guest. I have business of my own to take care of. When they arrive, you have my number. I made sure it's in there so let me know, got it?" Rouge told me, "*sees her fly off, grips fists* Am I gonna have to wait? Really?.....I have to help somehow" I comment, "...You and me can probably distract her. I think since we're really familiar to her, it could work" Vanilla suggests, "Is that our only choice?...If it'll buy time, let's do it" I comply, holding her hand, and diving into Venus' territory with 'Nilla. We held our breaths once we were 10ft into the stuff, then resurfaced...And get held up, with Vanilla's shirt already gone as she covered herself. "*forms above the surface with us, looking at us in joy* Oooooh so you two have surrendered to me? How kinky, I like eue. As you can see, anything goes now that Im in control. Right, Vals?" said the Venus clone, "Right you are, me ;}" Valorus agreed, "If I can suggest, I'll..I'll be your plaything for as long as possible if you stop treating everyone as such" Vanilla offered, "Hmmmmmm kay, hun" Valorus and the clone comply, quickly wrapping tentacles around Vanilla's large tits and even enlarging them to GG-cups, causing me to stiffen up. "(T-they're almost twice as big now o///o) *gets wrapped around and dragged forward* Whooooa! *is stuck under Vanilla, right in between her huge tits as she's bent over* W-what's the big idea here?" I asked them, "*grows a cock and splits into a clone, watches her walk on the fluid surface to get behind Vanilla before giving her a squeeze* We're gonna dominate your precious 'Nilla here for a while, so enjoy the ride down there. We'll get to you reeeal soon, stud" said the first Venus clone, "(Oh boy. Maybe coming down here wasn't such a good idea >m>)" I regrettably thought.

Akari dug through the rest of the drawers and found more devices, yet all but one could fit, the AI Module Player, looking somewhat like a CD player. The AI chip fits perfectly...However, as she sat there on her knees, she quickly finds out that it was on 0%. "*pushes the barrel against her head* 20 seconds left. I might as well shoot. There's no way you can reverse all this in such little time" Minnivera coldly told her, ".....*grabs the long barrel of the rifle, holding it there, turns around* Go ahead....I dont think I can bring him back anyway...(Vlad...Im sorry..) It'd be a waste.....End me" Akari pled, "With pleas- *sees a flying bat bomb drop in front* ! (When did it get in?!) *jolts backwards, shooting it away, making it blow up on the other side of the room, then feels something curvy against back* Hm?! *turns around, sees a heart object for a split second as it beeped* (A-Another bomb?!)" Minnivera said in surprise before being blown forward by the bomb's explosion, flipping over the desk, giving her side a bruise, "*dives in with a stomp to her face, springing off of it as her rifle flew in the air* You really didnt think I saw our Doctor earlier? Silly you. It's one thing to not see me plant anything" Rouge comments, walking up to her, kicking her to the wall, putting her in a short daze. "*picks up her face with a finger to her chin* Now tell me. What do you know about me?" Rouge then asked, "What if...I....Told you...That your mother...Is my sister?" she asked, "! M-my- You're my what?!" Rouge said in surprise, "Yes...Im your aunt..Your mom was also a Megabat. GUN kept it under wraps about using us Mobian Bats to do their bidding as agents...Though most have died..Now it's just you...Me...And another...As for your mother..I lost her a long time ago..." Minnivera told her, "Did you?....(I've...Never even met her before..) *looks behind, beyond the large opening of the building, a sparkle stares back* On the bright side..We should be good now" Rouge said, smiling despite her moment of melancholiness.

Valorus stopped her assault on Vanilla and sensed something massive...Too massive, in fact. "STOP! BOTH OF YOU! *looks up, seeing Knuckles flying above, holding the Master Emerald on his back, starting to glow* There's no way....He wouldn't!" the controlled pink droid shouts, "Yes I would! Chaos Control!!" Knuckles shouts, turning into Hyper Knuckles upon doing the move, making everything freeze, rescuing all the victims alongside Sonic and Shadow, making the process faster (Anyone questioning this, Knuckles allowed only Sonic and Shadow to move within Chaos Control), dressing them and putting them a mile away from the scene in an instant. Hyper Knuckles releases his grip on time, leaving his opposition without her hostages, quickly feeling empty. "*absorbs Hyper Knuckles' energy, seeing his glow fading but it brightens right back up in seconds* (! But how?!) What...What did you do?!" she shouted, "(Ha! Shadow's idea really worked! Since the Master Emerald has infinite energy, as long as I hold it, I still keep my transformation!)" Hyper Knuckles thought with a smirk, "*warps on a building next to Sonic* We took away your toys is all. Now let's finish this. Call him in, Sonic" Shadow says, "You got it! Drop it on down, Tails!" Sonic shouts, "*hears a plane coming from above* ! Where did you come from?!" Valorus reacts, "I got her, Sonic! *dives in* EMP, fire! *launching the electronic bomb and flies back up, avoiding a pink tentacle* Good luck with that!" Tails said with a smile and waves at her, "No! *blocks with a gooey wall and feels the discharge of disabling electrons* RBRBBRRBBBRBRBRBRIIII!" the bot said before stiffening up completely, forcing Venus to come out of it as it floats on the big pile of Venus' massive mush of a body. "Drrrrrrrggh!! Ha! What'll you do about me? Im just a sexy liquid all things thirst for! I cant really be hurt, yknow~~ -u-" Venus told them, "Yeah sure. Though, we already got a plan for ya ;)" Super Sonic told her, "Say goodbye, you failed experiment! Chaos...!!" Super Shadow uproared. I was on the ground, next to a tired Vanilla laying on the ground, watching the three Super Mobians finish off Venus, engulfing her in a golden sphere of light, and as they did this, some of that energy came to me. Could I probably use it? I took a moment to focus and my Spirit self came out of my body, absorbing the rest of the energy as it floated closer, helping them with the move. "CONTROL...!!!!" me and the trio shout, warping her far into outer space along with them, several lightyears away from Uranus, "(! We overshot the warp there. I thought I didnt take my other inhibitor ring off) *looks to the right, seeing my Spirit self floating behind everyone before jetting back to Earth* (Ah, so that's why)" Super Shadow thought before warping back to Earth, "*starts freezing rapidly* (S-S-SPACE?! How am I this far out?!!) *sees Hyper Knuckles do a wind-up* NO, PLE-!!" Venus was begging in fear, "Too late! HYRAAAAHH! *lands a massive punch on her, running the fist through her and zips past her, followed by an incredible shockwave that even shook Uranus, scattering her into millions of untraceable icy specks and atomizing most of her* Too much? Well, rest in pieces" Hyper Knuckles said, "Alright Knux, let's get back. Our work here is done" Super Sonic told him, and once Hyper Knuckles gets a hold of the Master Emerald again, they return with a quick warp.

The three heroes stood there, in their original spot, looking around for a moment before Knuckles gave them a pat on the back. As soon as my other half returned to me, I collapsed on the ground, thrown into fatigue. "*walks up to me* Hey buddy. You don't seem too hot there. Need a lift?" Sonic asked me, "Y-yeah...It..Seems so..Yall got rid of her?" I then asked, "Tch, that's one way to put it. Once I gave her a good ol' haymaker, I couldn't see anything left of her. It's like I popped a balloon UuU" Knuckles told me, "*makes inhibitor ring return, catches it* Looks as though the threat's gone then. No need for me here" Shadow said before warping away, "Heh, same 'ere, Shadow. Hang tight, and tell me where to go, bro" Sonic said to me holding me over him and dashes off. A few near-heart attacks later, Sonic brings me to Rouge's house and puts me down at her doorstep. A moment passes by and he brings Vanilla there too, who's still exhausted from...Yknow what happened. Her clothes were tattered and close to ripping off. "Mind giving me a few before getting some new clothes for her? I need to check back with Sal" Sonic told me before running away again. Oh great, what am I gonna do now? This turned into some day. Wait til I tell Perle about all this other shit. While I was waiting for Sonic's return, I see Rouge flying back to her home I was in front of. She then drops down, with a face that's ready to laugh. "My my, our favorite mom sure looks indecent, and still super plump to boot. Im surprised you didnt have your usual 'fun' with her" Rouge comments, "Not after a day like this. I know Sonic's fast as hell, but what took you so long?" I asked, "Oh nothing. Just had to tie up a loose-end" Rouge told me, and Sonic comes back with a new set of clothes for Vanilla.

Back at Dillorian Empire Enterprises, later on today renamed Akari's Artificials Enterprises, our dear Doctor takes charge of the whole estate. Instead of making the company geared towards general, multi-purpose device development to monopolize the technology industry, she uses the place to further her own research and her current underlings do most of the experiments for her, giving the successful ones to show/impress any big-wig in the science field. This method has summed her (an equivalent amount of) 55,000$ in one day, and moving forward she has a list of meetings to advance her business in other directs to gain even more profits. "('I'll help ya convince these numbskull security boys that Vlad wants you to take over if you promise give 25% of profits shares to my workplace. Be happy I didnt ask for 50%. In return I'll promise not to steal any valuables here ;D' Rouge...You are some agent to help me like that) *watches the employees fix the hole in the building that was made from earlier* You four! Apply more adhesive and the job should be done faster" Akari told them, "Yes ma'am!" they reply, going downstairs to get some more, "(Those bots were meant to bust you out earlier. Sorry but not sorry, Doctor. You were so unpredictable to me anyway) *opens drawer, takes out the AI chip* Im getting close, Vlad. I just wish that I did this when you were alive...But I will Bio-Clone you and give you all the memories from this..It may sound impossible now, but I'll make it happen" Akari promises, returning to her studies.

At Rouge's place, we all talked about how things are gonna be like from here on. We were also catching Cream and Perly up on what happened today. As anyone could imagine, it took quite awhile to explain.

"So yeah...Im sorry for how it all turned out, Cream..You're a really good girl and.."

"[Cream] Dont worry, mister. I'll find someone in no time. Im just glad you'll help me and my mom out ^ ^."

"(Once I do, I'll stay with them for a bit and it'll be like Im in a relationship with both of them again) And Perly, I remember you saying that you wouldn't get mad about how 'close' I am with BimBat, but Im still sorry about keeping...How close I really was to her for a while."

"[Perle] Look...It still hurts, ok? You tried to seem so dedicated to me...If you wanna get back with me, I'll maybe need a month or two.."

"I understand..That should be enough time for me to help Cream and 'Nilla out with getting a place."


"! S-sorry..TnT"

"[Perle] Ahem. So what's this about Rouge's ma again?"

"We dont know where she'd be but we'll make an effort to look for her."

"[Rouge] We'll find clues for her later. Now let's get to work. I'll pay ya for the day."

"And after that, it's back to the normal weekly pay rate?"

"[Rouge] Bingo."

"Just PLEASE make sure it's actually weekly -,-"

"[Rouge] *giggles* Oh I'll make sure this time" she told me, and she drives us to her workplace. After working, that was when she FINALLY gave me...5000 RINGS?! Whooooa! That's what Im talkin' about! I'll get Cream and her mom a good house in no time! Then...This happens on the way back home. "Hey lover-boy, there's a new bank in town. It just pasted up. Y'know what Im thinking? eue" Rouge told me, "*sighs, looks* Oh man, looks like someone's trying to beat us to it. Maybe someone that's a fan of your work?" I reply, "Heh. Only one way to find out. Let's show him that no stealer can out-steal me" Rouge told me, stirring the car to the back of the place, she had us hop out of the car and fly on top of the place. She went inside, placed bombs inside, blowing the thief and the money bags out of it as it landed in her car, cuing me to drive away, which I did as Rouge flies out of the explosion aaaaand it's all history from there!

A whole week later, Dr. Akari opens up a test tube, revealing a strung up human-like body, put together by synthetics that're very similar to Human flesh. She also had a Chaos Emerald in one hand, and she started wishing. Right when she was, she was met with a sudden hug. "Akari...Im glad that...You brought me back.." the imperfect Vlad clone said to her, and she was stunned. Soon, not only did she smile but him as well. "Yes, Vlad...I am too.....Just wait...You won't need all those life supports real soon.." Dr. Akari told him with a gleeful smile, and she completed her wish. An hour later, Akari and the Vlad clone find themselves working side by side at her desk, looking very happy together. "*rubs his back, accidentally rubbing the Emerald that was in his back* Not only are you complete, Vlad....But I am too...I love you" she told him before they exchange a kiss, so ever-thankful to feel his Human flesh once again. They grew to have a close relationship and lived as best science couples could. With his brilliance, the company advanced like it did under his original self's reign.

And that's where it all really ends here! Remember, don't cheat and don't learn that the hard way, or you may end up in body bag!


Thank y'all for reading!