Waking up

"Commencing the next half of test number 54..go to the 3rd floor and get the equipment." a person said to someone else.

"Right away sir." someone said with a sort of robotic voice then all to hear were footsteps.

"Hehe..after years of work I've finally found the perfect specimen..to be able to survive this many test, unlike the other 100 kids." the mysterious person mumbled. While laughing a little.

"OI HURRY UP WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG?!" the person yelled with a hint of irritation in his voice.

There was no response coming from outside. There was only an eerie silence, and as soon as he was about to yell again, a sharp and painful scream was heard coming from 2 rooms away.

"Damn, how the h*ll did they manage to locate us this quick, it makes no sense..f*ck, there's no way somebody ratted us out..F*CK F*CK F*CK F*****CK!" the person exclaimed. Knowing exactly what was happening outside, then the boy heard papers moving next to him.

Groan..what the hell..? Where am I..? The boy looked up to see himself in a shackled down on a large, blood-soaked, cold metal table. Before he could even speak, all of a sudden he felt pain all over.

"Argh! What the hell?!" he groaned with a hoarse voice.

The person in front of him that he could barely see due to being half sleep suddenly looked at him. He looked surprised yet furious at the same time.

Then all of a sudden the door slowly opened and with it a chilling aura entered. The boy could feel cold sweat moving down his arms and chest.

"Now now, we can't have you trying to escape now can we??" the person walking through the door said while staring at the person next to the boy.

"H-hey come on now, this has gotta be a joke how the hell did you guys get here so fast..?!" the person standing next to the boy said while sweating. He could start to hear cracks in his voice and a slight hint of fear.

"It's exactly as you've guessed. Go on say it yourself." the figure next to the door said while he could feel the killing intent being released almost suffocating.

"Oh, look what we have hear, this boy looks like he's been through a lot of experiments. His eyes are darting at every corner of the room subconsciously, poor boy." the person said while he could feel his gaze directed toward him even though he couldn't see him.

"I-if I'm gonna die, don't even think about carrying any of my research out of here" the person next to the boy said while you could feel the fear and anger building up in his voice.

The boy's danger senses starting going crazy and then all he could hear was a sharp ringing in his ear and then all of a sudden he felt excruciating pain and a loud boom as it also completely woke him up.

When the boy tried to stand up he couldn't feel his left arm, and then he started to panic, and looked down, only to see his left arm missing, but soon passed out due to excessive blood loss.

"Where the h*ll am I now..?" the boy questioned curiously while also nervous. When he came to, he was in a hut made of straw stuck together by dry mud and clay. When he looked over his shoulder, he could see bandages where his arm was supposed to be.

Who could have done this?