A new enemy has appeared!

"So that's the boy who managed to wipe out the entire squad...out of sheer 'LUCK'?"

"Actually, sir, I don't think it was only based on luc-"

"Out of sheer LUCK."

"Y-Yes, sir, out of sheer luck."

"Ugh, fine, I don't have time to waste on a child still wet behind his ears. Send to groups for him at night."

"Yes, sir!"


--2 hours later

After about 15 minutes, the crowd soon dispersed and went back to their activities. As the people left, the woman lying on the ground looked up at me with a face of desperation. The so-called 'genius' Cornell, quickly walked over with a look of disdain as he yanked the woman by the arm and walked away. Even though he was supposedly a -C rank, he was called a genius by multiple people, so he probably had some kind of unique blessing.

Instead of enjoying the next 2 and a half days until the duel started, I chose to go find a dungeon to dive into.


"Learn 'Energy Sense', 'Flame Pillar', 'Fire Blade', and 'Vortex of Fire'" I said as I walked to the nearest inn.

[You have successfully acquired the abilities, 'Energy Sense', 'Flame Pillar', 'Fire Blade', and 'Vortex of Fire'.]

[Duplicate abilities have been detected, combining abilities.]

[Congratulations! 'Flame Pillar' has successfully evolved into 'Hall of Flames'.]

[Would you like to see the information for the new ability?]



Hall of Flames: When used, up to 10 pillars of flames can be conjured, boasting terrifying power and lasting up to 20 seconds, dealing continuous damage. The amount of each pillar costs more mana than the previous. The max amount of pillars of flames increase the more the ability is used. Damage 200/per pillar, Duration 20s, No Cooldown.


It was the right choice to learn another duplicate of the 'Flame Pillar' skill. Luckily, the mobs in the dungeon in the village belonged to the fire element. After closing the interface, I noticed I had subconsciously made my way to the nearest in. Well, the building had the word 'INN' carved onto a fairly large slab of wood that hung next to the entrance. As I walked into the inn, the majority of the people in the inn gazed over at me once or twice. After a few seconds, I realized that I didn't have any money on me, so I quickly asked the woman behind the bar-shaped table.

"Do you know where the nearest dungeon is? Specifically for people under level 100." I said as I stared at the woman. As I said that, instantly, a few people inside the inn started to laugh.

"This low-leveled guy had the nerve to confront and hit the great genius, Cornell?!" someone barked out after I finished speaking. Within a few seconds, a few more people started barking loudly and laughing. As I turned to look back at the woman standing at the counter, it looked as if she could barely contain her laughter, but soon regained her composure as she responded to my question.

"You have no business being in the capital and you're not even level 100 yet. Lucky for you, there are no more than 5 F rank dungeons, it's up to you if you can even manage to clear one of them once." The woman said with a calm face. Even though she looked calm, her tone was far from it, she basically joined in with the people behind me. After hearing what she said, I lost control over my mouth as an evil grin formed on my mouth. The woman then looked at me as if I had a loose screw, so I hurriedly faked a cough.

"Can you tell me the location maybe?" I asked.

"Find them yourself!" A man to the left of me barked in response. At this point, I had to refrain from severing the heads of all the people in here! I quickly calmed down as the 'Mind of the Ocean' ability kicked in.

"Okay, thanks," I said in an expressionless tone as I walked out of the inn. Even though the woman working in the inn tried to be funny at not giving me the location for at least one of the dungeons, I could probably find it on my own. Plus, after hearing her response to my first question, I couldn't help but be excited. She was basically saying that people only level 100+ resided in this city. As I looked up, I saw a gigantic castle that exuded an aura of intimidation. Based on the 'isekai' manga I used to read from my previous life, this city was indeed a 'capital'.

And ahead of me to the right was probably to the castle that belonged to a king or queen, although queens were rare in isekai worlds, this world is probably different based on the fact that anybody can become strong, no matter their race, age, or gender.

--1 hour later

After an hour, I think I finally found one of the F rank dungeons. It was in a terrible environment though, as the buildings near it were made of rotten wood that was on the verge of breaking down. Also, there was absolutely no one at this dungeon, not even any guards to check your license. This was an obvious advantage for me, so I just walked right into the dungeon, while also making sure that the 20 or so people following me from a distance would know that I went inside the dungeon.


"To think we'd find a newborn planet with weak evolvers!"

"Don't get too happy yet, wait until the Lord comes to see this."

"Although it is exciting to come across such a treasure after 600 years of looking for a young 1000 to 1500-year-old planet. To think we'd find one that's only 700 years old!"

"Surely we'll receive praise from the lord!"

"Maybe he'll bless us with 'Ω' equipment like 200 years ago!"

"Even though it's likely, we can't get our hopes up too much."

"Indeed, I apologize for my outburst and wishful thinking."

"It's not wishful thinking, it's just that even though the chance of receiving 'Ω' equipment from our lord is high, we should make sure that it's an absolute guarantee that he does!"

"What do you mean by that..?"

"What would the Lord do if he arrived and found that we already conquered the planet for him?"

"If we did that, then...that chances of receiving 'Ω' equipment is absolutely guaranteed! Maybe we could even receive better equipment than that if he's in a good mood!"

"But wait, how will we be able to conquer the planet before then? The Lord will arrive here in half a year."

"Easy answer, we deploy one 1 of 5 of the 'Terraformers'! Specifically, the weakest of them, as we won't need any more manpower than that to conquer such a young and weak planet!"

"That's genius! But since we're low ranked in the society, we can only afford 5 'Terraformers', we'll need a way to retrieve it once it finishes its mission!"

"That's an easy fix also, we just need to give it the command to construct an astral gateway after it finishes its mission."

"O-Okay, I believe you. Maybe this could actually work! If it does, we could afford hundreds of 'Terraformers' if we sell even a single 'Ω' equipment we receive from the Lord! I'm getting anxious now, hurry and deploy 'KAXER' !"

"And with the press of a button, 'KAXER' is on his way to conquer his first planet, and also bring in big profits for the both of us while he's at it. Now, we simply sit back and enjoy the movie through his eyes!"