Guide Book


• Strength - Increase maximum Attack Damage by 10 and Critical chance by 0.1%

• Vitality - Increase maximum Health by 100 and Reflect chance by 0.1%

• Intelligence - increase maximum Mana by 100 and Piercing chance by 0.1%

• Endurance - Increase maximum Defense by 10 and Block chance by 0.1%

• Perception - Increase maximum Attack Speed by 10 and Hit chance by 0.1%

• Agility - Increase Maximum Movement Speed by 10 and Dodge chance by 0.1%




1. Critical - Give additional 50% damage.

2. Reflect - Return 50% received damage back to the attacker.

3. Pierce - Ignore 50% of the target's defense.

4. Block - Block 50% damage received.

5. Hit - Perfectly hit the target.

6. Dodge - Evade incoming attacks.



[Monster name color]

• White - Normal Monster (field&dungeon monster)

• Black - Hidden Dungeon Monster

• Orange - Normal Boss

• Red - Wild Boss

• Gold - Hidden Boss

• Purple - Hidden Dungeon Boss




• Common (white) 

• Magic (blue)

• Rare (yellow)

• Epic (orange)

• Legendary (red)

• Mythical (purple) 

• Divine (green)

• Supreme (silver)



[Player Rank]

Low Ranker

• E - Lvl 1-20

• D - Lvl 21-40

• C - Lvl 41-50

Middle Ranker

• B - Lvl 51-60

• A - Lvl 61-70

High Ranker

• S - Lvl 71-80

• SS - Lvl 81-90

• SSS - Lvl 91-99

Top Ranker

• Top twenty-one players

Peak Ranker

• Max - Lvl 100

