In Search Of The Vessel

"A-are you also going to feed her that pill?" The blue-haired woman asked filled with unease. It couldn't be that her friend would also turn into a slave, right?

"Yes, am I not allowed?" Sakim stared at the other party coldly.

"That..." The blue-haired woman wanted to refuse but seeing the monster in front of her releasing a murderous intent, she could only swallow her thoughts.

"Since you're not saying anything, then I can assume that you also agree, right?" Sakim said threatening to make a move the moment the other party refused him.

"Ye-yes," Helpless, the blue-haired woman could only agree.

Sakim nodded his head. But then, he didn't want to resort to this kind of action since it could also awaken the monster inside of him that was currently sleeping.