1)_ dying.

he Quote for today:

"You can't complain about time

Going by if anyone tries

To change it

Life will punish them"

-Ai Haibara-

Author ~chan: enjoy ~~


You know not all the stories began with a happy prologue some of them start with a tragedy and sorrow , as for mine it's begin with an unexpected twist , to make it more clear my story started with me dying ...yup by dying some of you may that's illogical because as we all know a story ends when the main or the villain dies , well not in this case ,you ask me how ?

I will just responde to you by one word " reincarnation" cliché right?. I know it's unbelievable and sound crazy I was just like you before.

well they say it's hard to believe the things that you don't see or likely the things that you don't feel ~~

Now now let's not get off the topic .

As I said before I died and the reborn want to know more about it ?

If you do let's get back in time ,shall we?.

Flash back :

I was sleeping peacefully in my warm and cozy bed then....*ring* *ring* " can you shut up I want to sleep" *ring**ring*" for god sake who is calling this early in the morning ..." I lift my head from under the blancket and look to the clock "oh it's 10:00 am ...." Wait what...

" Oh god I'M LATE....oh right the phone " I

Pick up the call and a mad voice came from the other side of line.

" RInnnnnnnnnnn if you don't get your ass her I will leave you behind "

" no no ,wait please don't leave me yuni I will come I will come I kinda overslept ~~haha " I begged her.


She said well more like shouted.

" hai hai wakata I will be there soon" I hung up the phone tossing it in the bed I hurried to get up and take a shower and do all the other nesscary things . as usually I did my hair in a ponytail I put on my bleu T-shirt and my jeans with my white converse .

After i finished , I graped my phone and my wallet and I made my way out of my apartment heading to where me and my friend decided to meet before we go to the anime festival yup I 'm an otaku a pround one too.

ohh I didn't introduce my self well my name is yurin kagami a 19 years old girl and I 'm half Japanese and half American also I'm an orphan I lost my parents at a young age in a car accident 5 years old if I remember exactly after that horrible night I start living in a on orphanage since then , well they were more like a second family to me .

I start to live depedendently after I graduated from high school in my own small apartment well I do part time jobs to pay my living experience.

I meet yuni in middle school soon after that we became best friend she is also an otaku like me ohh speaking of the devil ...

*Ding* I pick up my phone

From yuni:

To rin :

I'm already at the caffe waiting for you to come hurry up .

I hope you are ready by now or I will leave you behind.

I scoffed shaking my head " it's an email from yurin dzz this girl doesn't have any patience . does she .. I think I will hurry "

From rin :

To yuni :

Don't i'm already on my way , have patience will ya .beside we have plenty time .

I begin to run , then I spot a little kid in the middle of the road a speeding car heading toward him .

" move..." I shouted but it was useless he don't seem fazed maybe he frozen in fear .

then me being me I ran to him and then pushed him out the way.

but unfortunately it was late for me I heard the honking of the truck's horn and the screeching of tires .

The last I thing I knew was that I felt pain all over my body until it became numb then I breathed my last breath at leat he is safe .


Author ~chan : so how is it did you like the chapter? I hope so . sorry if it's so short .

don't forgot that I don't own Detective Conan I only own my oc bye bye~~.