13)- Kaito kid part two

~ after few hours~

Finally we arrived to the museum, reporters and kid fans are everywhere .

soon we made our way inside the building , we saw miguri-san talking with a man with mustache ' it's probably Nakamori -kebu ' .

" Ah kogoro you come, oh you  also brought Rin and Ran  "said meguri -San patting our heads.

" let's me introduce you , this is Nakamori kebu  the one who in charge to catch kaito kid , this Mori kogoro "

Then the two shake  hands .

I take the chance and sneaked away , I went to look around the museum , now let's finde the infamous kaito kid ,  as we know kaito kid can disguise as anyone he wants if I were him who would I disguise as hmmm.

  oh right I find it a police officer  that way he can freely move without attracting unnecessarily attention .

I hide in a corner near the jewel , Now let's observe them .

After 7 minutes I spotted a familiar face .

' find you ...' I smirked .

Then I made my way to him but unfortunately in the way I tripped on the carpet ' curse my luck ' .

" are you okey ojou-chan  ?" A voice called me , I lift my head and find it was kaito kid disguised as a police officer then he helped me to stand up .' you know calling a little girl ojou-san will surely blown your cover ' .

" yeah thank you .."

" but what a  small girl like you doing her all alone ?"

" hmm I kinda lost " I said . ' is that what you only come up with I 'm really pathic ...'

" is that so ..." I nodded .

" yeah I come with dad to see kaito kid you  , but I think lost him in the crowd "

" then how about I help you find them " he said . ' oy oy don't you have a heist to prepare for ??'

" really !!" He nodded smiling .

" thank you very mush oji-san "

" then let's go find your dad " he offered he hand and I took it .

" hai "

While walking .

" so ojo -chan  what do you think about kaito kid ?"

" hmmm ....I think  he's a good person " my statement took him off guard ,

"G- good person? Doesn't he steal " he almost lost his poker face.

" well he turn what he steal in the end right so I don't thing he's a bad person  maybe he have his own reason to do so ." I said looking at him .

Then I spotted dad and migure -San talking not far from us oh even yusaku-san and tentei-kun are here .it's seem they didn't notice my absence I sweat drop at that .

' now it's time for me to go '

" ah there they are " I said pointing at them he panicked when he saw Nakamori-san with them .

" huh ? Is that you father " I nodded .

" well I have to go back to work now or someone will get made at me , you can go there by yourself ?" I nodded .

" it nice to meet you ojo -chan " he said .

"Nice to meet you too kaito kid- San " after I said those word I take the chance of his shocked state then I ran to otou-san .

" nee-chan where were you ?" Asked ran .

" I just wondered around "

" okey then,   oh right shinshi-kun is also here "

" oh really ?"

" yo Rin " he greeted . " hey teintei - kun .."

" ma stop calling me that already "

" no can do " he sighed

Then suddenly  smoke filled the room , in the broach stood kaito kid holding the jewel .

" it's kaito kid catch him " shouted Nakamori -San  , the police officer tried to capture him but failed miserably , then before I knew it the room again filled with pink smoke

'so he was going to use the smoke as his advantage and run away the best way for him to escape is the rooftop . instantly I begin running to the roof .

After I opened the door that lead to the rooftop I spotted him looking at the jewel under the moonlight , then I greeted him

" it's nice to see you again kaito kid -San "

He flinched .

" what are you talking about ojou-chan , I 'm perfectly sure this the first time we meet " ' are you serious '

" you think so ? But  didn't you helped me just now ??" I said mading a confused face .

" I think you're mistaken me with another person " 

" sou ka "

Then the door  was harshly open , then a row of policemen come running toward us , it's seem they didn't notice me , I was near the edge suddenly I lost balance without anyone notice I nearly fall but I caught kaito kid 's leg who was busy trying to run away everything happen in split of second , and now I 'm with kaito kid flying in the sky trying to not freak out , but oddly he didn't notice I was there with him anime logic yeah let's call it that  .

this reminde of a particular scenario when midorya from bnha grapped all might and they flew together , yay I become a second midorya well without a green hear.

Finally we stopped flying now we dropped to the ground.

" thanks for the ride " I said smiling at him mischievously then he jolted .

" h-how did you get here ??"

" well thanks to someone , I nearly fall from the roof but in the prosses to save my life I grapped your leg , and tada  here i'm "

" sorry about that " he said laughing awkwardly .

I sigh " you know you can drop your pocker face I already know you're identity " saying in a serious tone .

" what do you mean"

" you're koroba Toshi "









After I said those he was super shocked it really quite amusing to see the pocker face of the great magician and thief creack like that .

" who are you ?"  He asked.

" Mori  Rin  a detective  , I want to help you " I said grinning .

" help me with what ?"

" isn't it obvious searching panadora gem , and expose snak 's crims "

" how did you know about that ??"

" well a secret what makes a women a

women " I said intimating vermouth 's poss .

" you're really an interesting one "

" oh thanks for the compliment ,  oh right can you take me as your student please "

" huh?"

" please I want to learn the art of disguise , also maybe some magic "

" but ...."

" oh c'mon please , pretty please " I begged making my puppy eyes .

" fine ..."

"Yaye .." I cheered .